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How did my entire flash drive get erased?


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Bear with me while I try to explain what happened here, but I'm currently unable to boot up the Unraid server due to the following error: Boot failed: Failed to load idlinux.c32.  So I pulled the flash drive out and plugged it into my Mac and it appears to be completely empty.


Now, the backstory. Last night I tried to update the BTSync add-on from Settings and it appeared to hang during the process. The WebGUI became unresponsive so I just let it sit for a bit. If I refreshed the webpage, I get the green dot in the tab up top in my web browser, but the entire page is solid white and looks like it's been loaded completely. Come back the following morning and still the same when I try to access the server, so I pull the power and reboot after leaving it unplugged for a minute. Now it doesn't boot at all and gives the error above.


So, how in the world did I accidentally wipe the entire flash drive?!? Do I simply start from scratch and reinstall the latest version of 6 and hope for the best? What happens/happened to my license?


Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I'd be glad to relay any other relevant details yall may need! Thanks!



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Bear with me while I try to explain what happened here, but I'm currently unable to boot up the Unraid server due to the following error: Boot failed: Failed to load idlinux.c32.  So I pulled the flash drive out and plugged it into my Mac and it appears to be completely empty.


Now, the backstory. Last night I tried to update the BTSync add-on from Settings and it appeared to hang during the process. The WebGUI became unresponsive so I just let it sit for a bit. If I refreshed the webpage, I get the green dot in the tab up top in my web browser, but the entire page is solid white and looks like it's been loaded completely. Come back the following morning and still the same when I try to access the server, so I pull the power and reboot after leaving it unplugged for a minute. Now it doesn't boot at all and gives the error above.


So, how in the world did I accidentally wipe the entire flash drive?!? Do I simply start from scratch and reinstall the latest version of 6 and hope for the best? What happens/happened to my license?


Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I'd be glad to relay any other relevant details yall may need! Thanks!




Sounds like you may have a faulty flash device.  Have you tried running a checkdisk on it?  As for your license, if you download your key to the same flash, you can use it again, no problem.  If you want to use a new flash, instructions for replacing key are located under the support menu of our website.

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Thanks! When connected to my Mac, I run "sudo fsck_msdos /dev/disk1" and get the following:


** /dev/rdisk1s1 (NO WRITE)

Invalid BS_jmpBot in boot block: 33c0fa


Can anyone make sense of this? Should I go ahead and replace the flash drive?

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Thanks! When connected to my Mac, I run "sudo fsck_msdos /dev/disk1" and get the following:


** /dev/rdisk1s1 (NO WRITE)

Invalid BS_jmpBot in boot block: 33c0fa


Can anyone make sense of this? Should I go ahead and replace the flash drive?

Eeks.  Sorry but I don't have much insight here, but that certainly sounds like a bad flash device.

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Thanks! When connected to my Mac, I run "sudo fsck_msdos /dev/disk1" and get the following:


** /dev/rdisk1s1 (NO WRITE)

Invalid BS_jmpBot in boot block: 33c0fa


Can anyone make sense of this? Should I go ahead and replace the flash drive?

Eeks.  Sorry but I don't have much insight here, but that certainly sounds like a bad flash device.


My question is, how does he get his config back if his flash drive was wiped? Will unraid see his data and somehow everything will work once he installs unRAID OS on a new flash drive? If the answer is no, I am backing up the contents of my flash drive immediately!

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To be honest, I hardly knew what I was doing when I originally set everything up a few months ago, and I'm pretty sure I have the config folders/files in an "apps" share within the array. That may be a terrible way to go about it, but it seems to have worked up until now, and it may still have that data there. Maybe that's what did me in, I don't know. As long as the data in the array is good, I don't really mind setting up the whole Unraid side of that again.


The flash drive itself is a few years old, and they're cheap, so I may as well swap it out now, I just hope the licensing part isn't a pain.


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Bear with me while I try to explain what happened here, but I'm currently unable to boot up the Unraid server due to the following error: Boot failed: Failed to load idlinux.c32.  So I pulled the flash drive out and plugged it into my Mac and it appears to be completely empty.


Now, the backstory. Last night I tried to update the BTSync add-on from Settings and it appeared to hang during the process.

Please read here. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33341.msg375827#msg375827

Apparently this was caused by a misbehaving plugin, and your flash is likely just fine.

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It's booted again, now I'm just deathly afraid of losing data. The first time I set everything up, I was setting up Plex and managed to wipe a couple of terabytes of media without knowing how. Fortunately, I still had that on another NAS device (that was being replaced), but I no longer have that now.


For example: What would happen if I assigned the wrong parity drive, would it know? I assume I had set up in order, sdb, sdc, sdd, but I don't remember!  I'm afraid theyre out of order, and it's already off erasing all sorts of information that I cannot replace. I can view some/half of the shares from the network now, but not all....is that just until the parity check is complete??


Any ideas or words of comfort?

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If you incorrectly assigned a data drive as the parity drive then started the array and allowed parity to build then you have almost certainly destroyed its contents.


If you do not know which drive is the parity drive then what you should have done is start by assigning all drives as data drives.  When you start the array the parity drive would then show as formatted.  At this point you make a note of the drive serial numbers from the web GUI, and in particular that for the parity drive.  You now stop the array; do a 'New Config' from the Tools menu; and assign the correct drives and restart the array;  The order of the data drives is not critical but getting the parity drive right is.  Also you should never rely on the 'sd?' type names as they are not guaranteed to stay consistent across boots.  UnRAID recognises drives by their serial numbers and not their device names for just this reason.

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All good to know, thanks. I'm really beginning to regret going this route (unraid), as I would have never expected it to be so easy to erase so much data at once, but I will keep at it for now. I stopped the parity sync for now, but not sure how to proceed. Do I use the New Config tool now, add all three as data drives, and then just see what is on what?

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Okay, I went ahead and did that above, and now the drive that *was* just the parity drive (according to sdb, at least) now says "unmountable". The other two DO appear to have the same amount of data on them as they originally had, and both appear as XFS.


Also, as they stand now with just two drives formatted and showing up from Finder on the Mac, I see a disk2 and disk3 that both appear to have the same shares. Next to those two folders I see three shares (the same directories in both of the disk2 and disk3 folders).


Update: In digging further, it looks like data is just all over the place. I CAN find it all, but it's in places that I don't think it should be. For example, one path looks like this:  disk3/apps/BTSync/config/mnt/user  And within that, I have 4 ENTIRE shares worth of data. I mean, at least it's all there!


Can I just drag and drop this back to where it should be at the root of disk2???

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Okay, I went ahead and did that above, and now the drive that *was* just the parity drive (according to sdb, at least) now says "unmountable". The other two DO appear to have the same amount of data on them as they originally had, and both appear as XFS.

Good - at least you now know for certain which is the parity drive.  Make sure you know the serial numbers for future reference in case it is not always sdb as that can change (although it is rare ) between boots.


Also, as they stand now with just two drives formatted and showing up from Finder on the Mac, I see a disk2 and disk3 that both appear to have the same shares. Next to those two folders I see three shares (the same directories in both of the disk2 and disk3 folders).

You now have two different views of the same data - the disk shares and the user shares.  The top level folders on each disk will correspond to a user share (and a user share can span multiple disks).  It might be a good idea to check the settings in the unRAID GUI for any shares that are not meant to have default settings.


Update: In digging further, it looks like data is just all over the place. I CAN find it all, but it's in places that I don't think it should be. For example, one path looks like this:  disk3/apps/BTSync/config/mnt/user  And within that, I have 4 ENTIRE shares worth of data. I mean, at least it's all there!


Can I just drag and drop this back to where it should be at the root of disk2???

unRAID only creates the top level folder on each disk to correspond to the User shares being exposed. Any structure below the top level folder is created by you or an app you have run.  Not sure what you did to get the data organised the way it has ended up - you might want to try and work out what it was to avoid it happening again.  It sounds as if you may have a docker configured incorrectly or something like that which could explain the data ending up in strange places?


You can safely move data as long as you either move files between the 'disk' shares or the User Shares.  What you must not do is move files from a disk share to a user share or from a user share to a disk share as this can potentially cause data loss.

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Thank you very much! I realized how the shares vs disk thing was sorted once I bounced back and forth enough. And, as I began to move between locations, I've done just that and have stuck between disk and disk. All seems to be going well so far, and my next hurdle will be to get all plugins and settings set up again without causing anymore harm!

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