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Rebooted to have added drives changed to unassigned


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A few days ago I added 3 new drives to my array.  Copied a bunch of data over (they had been precleared).


Today I rebooted my machine and started the array without paying much attention.  Went back a bit later to look, and the three drives were listed as unassigned and I see this:

Last check incomplete on Mon 01 Jun 2015 08:49:12 PM EDT (today), finding 2823900 errors.

So I stopped the parity check and haven't done anything else.


I'm sure this is covered in the forums/wiki, but searching "parity check errors" isn't finding anything related to my problem.


This is with 6.0 RC3.  I rebooted because I had a VM that didn't shut down properly, and passthrough wasn't working.  If that matters.


Did my parity get bad data written to it?  Is did some of my real data get "corrected"?  I'd really appreciate some advice on how to safely recover!

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Parity is bad, but your data should be fine.  Parity operations only affect the parity drive.  I would use the New Config tool, assign all the drives correctly, then start the array and let it rebuild parity.


I suspect that your array changes had not been flushed to the unRAID boot drive (to config/super.dat).  You may want to check your boot drive in a Windows machine, to make sure the file system is good.  If not, it may have been remounted as read-only.


When there is any kind of issue, make every attempt to shutdown safely, even if it appears not to work.  The Powerdown plugin adds additional ways to power down, through the command line, through the power button, and through the Ctl-Alt-Del key combination.

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Parity check never writes to the data drives. If this was a correcting parity check as is usually done then your parity has been updated to not include the data from the missing drives.


Most likely your problem is that your flash drive is corrupt and unRAID couldn't write the configuration changes to it when you added the drives, so when you rebooted it read the old configuration from your flash. Put your flash in your PC and let it checkdisk.



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Array has been off, I have a cache drive and a btrfs drive in there that aren't part of the array, and I don't want those included in the parity.  Do I need to disconnect those before I try the "New Config" tool?


Also, chkdsk didn't find anything wrong:

C:\Users\<User>>chkdsk I:
The type of the file system is FAT.
Volume UNRAID created 10/4/2014 8:30 AM
Volume Serial Number is ****-****
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.

2,029,223,936 bytes total disk space.
       32,768 bytes in 1 hidden files.
    1,179,648 bytes in 36 folders.
  501,874,688 bytes in 329 files.
1,526,136,832 bytes available on disk.

       32,768 bytes in each allocation unit.
       61,927 total allocation units on disk.
       46,574 allocation units available on disk.


How worried should I be?

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Array has been off, I have a cache drive and a btrfs drive in there that aren't part of the array, and I don't want those included in the parity.  Do I need to disconnect those before I try the "New Config" tool?

No need to disconnect, can't remember if they will need to be re-assigned, check them afterward.


Also, chkdsk didn't find anything wrong:

Great!  It would be nice to see the syslog from before.  Any chance you have it, the one before the first reboot in your first post?


How worried should I be?

We don't know what happened or why yet, so hard to say, but probably nothing to worry about, maybe something small to fix...

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Array has been off, I have a cache drive and a btrfs drive in there that aren't part of the array, and I don't want those included in the parity.  Do I need to disconnect those before I try the "New Config" tool?

No need to disconnect, can't remember if they will need to be re-assigned, check them afterward.

How will it know which drives to include in the parity calculation?  I.e., which drives are in the array, and which are not, if I don't disconnect the drives that were used for cache and VMs?


I'll see if I can find the log....

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Well, that was an incorrect guess.  New Config deletes you drive configuration, so you need to re-assign drives.  I don't think it matters if other drives switch positions (would love a confirmation), but you need to know which drive is the parity before you hit the button.

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Yes, a New Config means exactly that ==> You have to define a new configuration  :)


If you aren't certain which drive was the parity drive, just assign ALL drives except the ones you know aren't part of the array (the two you mentioned above -- cache and btrfs) as data drives;  then see which drive shows as unformatted -- that's the parity drive.    Then do a New Config again and this time assign the drives correctly.


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