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Switching to unRAID, have a few questions concerns


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Hey guys,


I'm migrating over to the latest unRAID 6 Pro slowly (8x4TB WD REDs) from a system I set up myself through Debian with hardware RAID. Now I've switched to JBOD with unRAID handling the array instead, now I can add more drives as I see fit, yadda yadda yadda. Mostly use Samba shares and it looks like I've got the shares set up correctly, though I have a few concerns/questions about copying my data back over now that it's all XFS. I made the mistake of enabling the cache drive (240gb SSD) and filled it up almost immediately while writing back to the array :P insert terrible write speeds here. But now that I've disable the cache during my massive import, it seems to be moving along better.


If I'm a total n00b and X question has already been asked/answered elsewhere, plz let me know :P


1. Big question is, is there an easy way to do this from the root shell? Like is there a way I can mount an external drive (already have that working), run an rsync command and have it go into the array from a directory internally without a smb share? Is there permission stuff that gets messed up doing this? Or am I stuck with just SMB?


The main reason I'd want this is the external drives in question are ext4, and not (natively) readable in Windows. Just wondering what the best course of action would be to copy this data to the array. My next approach is probably just mount the drives inside the system as internal drives, but the questions about rsyncing to the share remains. Any ideas here guys?


2. I have an SSD set up as a cache drive, but I also have another smaller SSD that I'd like to pool with it. What's the best way to do this/Can I do this? I don't see anything in the webGUI to set up more than one.


3. My parity is currently being built. I'm wondering since the parity is set to one drive, is that drive somehow more likely to fail than the 'actual' array? This may just be my data-paranoia setting in while migrating so much over.


Anyways, love the ideas with unRAID. The cache drive seems to work well with docker and I've got MySQL/Usenet crawlers running already and everything works very well 'out of the box'.

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Search tips in my sig


1. The Unassigned Devices plugin is what you want for this.


2. Stop the array and decrease the number of array slots and increase the number of cache slots.


3. Parity gets written when any array drive is written, so it will get more writes than the others. On the other hand it is not used for reads so overall it probably gets less usage. Not sure it matters whether its more likely to fail or not, since to rebuild a data disk, parity plus all other drives are required.


Make sure you have any docker or other app data on cache set to a cache-only share or it will get moved to the array.

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Wow thanks for the fast reply!


1. The Unassigned Devices plugin is what you want for this.


I have this plugin already and it mounts externals automagically/correctly, though the question is if I want to copy data directly from external to array, how would I do that from a ssh/root terminal? Is there a specific directory in /mnt/user? I see /mnt/user/{sharenamehere} but not sure if that is correct. If I'm doing the rsync as root, does that muck up the permissions for samba?


2. Stop the array and decrease the number of array slots and increase the number of cache slots.


I have the "Pro" package with 25+ drives, not sure what you mean here.

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Wow thanks for the fast reply!


1. The Unassigned Devices plugin is what you want for this.


I have this plugin already and it mounts externals automagically/correctly, though the question is if I want to copy data directly from external to array, how would I do that from a ssh/root terminal? Is there a specific directory in /mnt/user? I see /mnt/user/{sharenamehere} but not sure if that is correct. If I'm doing the rsync as root, does that muck up the permissions for samba?

I usually just use mc for this. Most likely the problem will be ownership rather than permissions. You can chown and chmod as needed. The owner for SMB should be nobody:users

2. Stop the array and decrease the number of array slots and increase the number of cache slots.


I have the "Pro" package with 25+ drives, not sure what you mean here.

It's not a question of license. By default only one cache slot is available and all other slots are available for array. You must decrease the available array slots and then you will be able to increase the available cache slots.
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It's not a question of license. By default only one cache slot is available and all other slots are available for array. You must decrease the available array slots and then you will be able to increase the available cache slots.


Ohhhhh! Got it! :) Will try when I get home later. Thanks!

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