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...  Rats, only supports 2.5" drives


Haven't tried one of these, but clearly they don't "really" only support 2.5" drives.  They're designed to plug into a 2.5" drive and provide power from the USB bus ... which isn't able to provide enough power for a 3.5" drive.


But if you simply used the data portion via a short SATA extension like this:



... and then connected a SATA power cable to the drive from your PC or via an external power adapter [e.g. http://www.amazon.com/AGT-External-Power-Supply-Adapter/dp/B00B42UTFO ], the unit would work fine with a 3.5" drive.


... Whether or not UnRAID would work with this (which is your basic question) I simply don't know.



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Agree.    There's been some discussion about possibly allowing USB3 drives to be included in the array, but I don't believe that's likely to happen anytime soon (for good reason -- including such an easily removable drive in the array simply invites too many opportunities for catastrophic mistakes).


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