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Wanting to move to new SSD Cache Drive on unraid 6B15


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I have VMs running, as well as docker with several apps installed.  Im hoping there is a way to plug in the new cache, let unraid move the data and remove the old one...I may be asking too much?  Is it just as simple as doing a direct file copy from old to new?  And is this the time to start using the new filesystem?

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I have just done this a few days ago. I stopped docker and my VMS and unassigned my existing cache, assigned the new cache and formatted it. I previously used xfs and am now trying out btrfs on the cache.


I then mounted my old cache using the unassigned devices plugin and used midnight commander to copy across the data as it was.


It took around 3 hours to copy everything across (circa 360gb) mostly due to the plex library.


I turned docker and the VMs back on and everything worked as before.


It would be a good idea to upgrade to 6.0.1 beforehand.

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I understand that 6.01 is non-beta.  Is there any other specific reason you recommend this?


Important thing to remember is that were a lot of beta releases to get to the stable version of ver6.  Most of them were only around for a short period of time.  Each beta release had many changes from the previous version and the reason for some of those changes were to correct serious problems.


If you have a problem in the future, many people (including myself) are going to be reluctant to help you because they don't want to research all the changes that were made from whatever beta version that you are using to the stable version to see if the issue was actually addressed in the stable release.  So you will be sitting there wondering why no one is replying.  And upgrading when there is an issue is not ideal from a troubleshooting standpoint. 

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