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[Support] Linuxserver.io - McMyAdmin

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Posted (edited)



Application Name: McMyAdmin

Application Site: https://www.mcmyadmin.com/

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/mcmyadmin2/

Github: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mcmyadmin


Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread.


If you are not using Unraid (and you should be!) then please do not post here, instead head to linuxserver.io to see how to get support.

Edited by linuxserver.io

Hey, just installed this container and I am getting a problem where the application starts (Successfully?), then throws up this log message, and the application stops running.


Success! Everything compiled successfully. Copying final .jar files now.
Copying craftbukkit-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /tmp/.
- Saved as craftbukkit-1.8.8.jar
Copying spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /tmp/.
- Saved as spigot-1.8.8.jar


I tried deleting the application and remaking it just in case something downloaded incorrectly, but I get the same error message. Any ideas?




Hey, just installed this container and I am getting a problem where the application starts (Successfully?), then throws up this log message, and the application stops running.


Success! Everything compiled successfully. Copying final .jar files now.
Copying craftbukkit-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /tmp/.
- Saved as craftbukkit-1.8.8.jar
Copying spigot-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /tmp/.
- Saved as spigot-1.8.8.jar


I tried deleting the application and remaking it just in case something downloaded incorrectly, but I get the same error message. Any ideas?


I'm downloading to check this container.  It takes a little while to build though..  ;)


I might have dropped the ball in the middle here. I shall fix it today if nothing bad happens, but I have a question from you all, what would you most like too see from this container ?


Excellent :-)  My Daughter and I are avid players of mine craft on our local network and now I am moving off of a windows server to UNraid will be fab to have all my apps in one place.


It would be fantastic if we could have it so it is fairly flexible - I haven't used McMyAdmin 2 but I think it does everything I want after reading the site namely...


1 - Have a nice webgui to pick a bunch of stuff inc:


1a - Version of minecraft server we want to run

1b - pick what mods we want installed.

1c - ability to import maps (wg the one we have spent years doing :-) )

1d - ability to backup etc


This will be fantastic to have running :-)






So it runs....but cannot start it or install anything or change any settings - this is what log says, wonder if permissions error?


10:05:09 PM CONSOLE: thread/WARN]: Failed to save server.properties

10:05:09 PM CONSOLE: (Permission denied)

10:05:09 PM CONSOLE: Method) ~[?:1.7.0_80]

10:05:10 PM CONSOLE: [iNFO] Generating new properties file

10:05:10 PM CONSOLE: thread/WARN]: Failed to save server.properties

10:05:10 PM CONSOLE: (Permission denied)


it goes on and on :-)


I am running this docker and am not having any problems at all.  I dont think it is an issue with the docker, but more something localized to your system


I am running this docker and am not having any problems at all.  I dont think it is an issue with the docker, but more something localized to your system


Can you confirm you're running the updated version.  mcmyadmin has seen a lot of updates and it may be these are not reflected in your container and that is why you aren't seeing any problems.


It has been updated in the last 24 hours and again a few days prior to this.


If you have a working config at the moment, I wouldn't recommend any updates until this is all sorted out.


any chance you could have a looksee as this looks absolutely perfect for running a home minecraft server on unraid :-)


It's being looked into...


I am running this docker and am not having any problems at all.  I dont think it is an issue with the docker, but more something localized to your system


Can you confirm you're running the updated version.  mcmyadmin has seen a lot of updates and it may be these are not reflected in your container and that is why you aren't seeing any problems.


It has been updated in the last 24 hours and again a few days prior to this.


If you have a working config at the moment, I wouldn't recommend any updates until this is all sorted out.


I just did a quick test with setting up a brand new one and going through all the steps


1st thing i had to do was log into the docker and change the permissions on all the directories/files in the minecraft directory


root@tower :/ docker exec -it mcmyadmin2New bash

root@5e4cc773f812:/# chown -R abc.users minecraft


then you have to edit the /minecraft/Minecraft/eula.txt file


root@5e4cc773f812:/# vi /minecraft/Minecraft/eula.txt


change  eula=false    to    eula=true


then run the following command to change the login password


root@5e4cc773f812:/# cd /minecraft

root@5e4cc773f812:/# ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 -setpass SOMEPASSWORDHERE -configonly


then restart the docker and give it time to build the minecraft server .jar's





I am running this docker and am not having any problems at all.  I dont think it is an issue with the docker, but more something localized to your system


Can you confirm you're running the updated version.  mcmyadmin has seen a lot of updates and it may be these are not reflected in your container and that is why you aren't seeing any problems.


It has been updated in the last 24 hours and again a few days prior to this.


If you have a working config at the moment, I wouldn't recommend any updates until this is all sorted out.


I just did a quick test with setting up a brand new one and going through all the steps


1st thing i had to do was log into the docker and change the permissions on all the directories/files in the minecraft directory


root@tower :/ docker exec -it mcmyadmin2New bash

root@5e4cc773f812:/# chown -R abc.users minecraft


then you have to edit the /minecraft/Minecraft/eula.txt file


root@5e4cc773f812:/# vi /minecraft/Minecraft/eula.txt


change  eula=false    to    eula=true


then run the following command to change the login password


root@5e4cc773f812:/# cd /minecraft

root@5e4cc773f812:/# ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 -setpass SOMEPASSWORDHERE -configonly


then restart the docker and give it time to build the minecraft server .jar's





Is this mcmyadmin or mcmyadmin2?


Figured out the Linuxserver io github - added it and have downloaded direct from there rather than risking the community search just in case it is wrong version :-)


This linux stuff is sooo different to Windows :-)



Nope, now it crashes the log window too :-(

try rebooting the system. I can promise you that is not the fault of container
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