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What should I do about this drive?


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I rebooted after updating to v6.1.4. The reboot was paused due to a SMART error. The message was something like "SMART failure disk 1 press F1 to continue". Can't remember it exactly. After proceeding with the reboot I ran an extended test on Disk 1 which it passed. Now I'm not sure how to handle this. I've attached the Smart Report. Hopefully someone can give me some advice.


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That message is most likely from the system BIOS -- and indicates the drive was failing SMART.


Note that "disk 1" in the BIOS does not necessarily correlate to disk 1 in your array.    Check the SMART data for ALL of your disks => you may find that you actually have one that's failing.


If not, then you likely just had a "glitch" whereby the BIOS didn't receive the right status from the drive in the time it was allowing.    This could be a bad or poorly seated cable, or could have just been a timing issue with the drive.    If it doesn't happen consistently I wouldn't be overly concerned.    But the key thing here is likely that you're assuming "disk 1" is disk 1 in the array -- which it likely is not.


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The short test should be fine => in fact, I'd think the Dashboard would show the failing drive on the SMART status line (e.g. a Red "thumbs down" icon).    If the Dashboard isn't showing a drive that has a "failed" SMART status, then clearly something's wrong with the display logic.


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