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Recently added files/folders have gone missing


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Hello again...


Files and locations (folders, files, etc.) recently added to my unRaid box have all gone missing.  It's as if unRaid reverted everything back to how it was before I added my new files.  This is just crazy since I don't know if anything edited or added to unRaid will remain.


I use Windows 10 and access all my user shares via Windows Explorer.  I navigate to whatever folder on the User Share and then drag and drop files (or add/copy/delete the documents, photos, files, etc.) directly to the folder on the User Share.  With unRaid 4.7, this method has never been an issue for me.


Attached is my latest Diagnostics.zip  Please help and thanks.





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Hello again...


Files and locations (folders, files, etc.) recently added to my unRaid box have all gone missing.  It's as if unRaid reverted everything back to how it was before I added my new files.  This is just crazy since I don't know if anything edited or added to unRaid will remain.


I use Windows 10 and access all my user shares via Windows Explorer.  I navigate to whatever folder on the User Share and then drag and drop files (or add/copy/delete the documents, photos, files, etc.) directly to the folder on the User Share.  With unRaid 4.7, this method has never been an issue for me.


Attached is my latest Diagnostics.zip  Please help and thanks.

I have a feeling that you've somehow created root folders (shares) that are differing in case (ie: Movies and movies) which would kinda explain what you're seeing.


Login either locally or through putty and post the output of


ls /mnt/user


You've also had an unclean shutdown (and the system replayed some transactions upon boot), which you really want to avoid.

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Can you explain what "system replayed some transactions upon boot" means? I would like to avoid any unclean shutdowns but somehow it seems to keep happening to me once in a while. 


I checked ls /mnt/user and everything looks as expected to me.


Also, I notice on the main page of the webGUI, there is checkmark under Parity next to "Write corrections to parity disk".  What does this do?



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Can you explain what "system replayed some transactions upon boot" means? I would like to avoid any unclean shutdowns but somehow it seems to keep happening to me once in a while.

This is normal if you ever do not close down tidily.  The file systems used by unRAID are what is known as 'journaling' file systems which means a transaction log is kept in case the system has not finished flushing changes to the disk when the system is powered off.  In such a case the journal is replayed on startup to apply any changes that got missed.

Also, I notice on the main page of the webGUI, there is checkmark under Parity next to "Write corrections to parity disk".  What does this do?

This means if when you run a parity check and any errors are found then the assumption is made that the error is on the parity disk (which is nearly always the case) and the corrected parity is written to the parity disk.  If you want to run a check with no changes to be made to the parity disk but the number found simply to be reported then uncheck that option.  In a perfect world there should not be any such errors but this is not always the case.  Users have varying views on what is the best default for this setting.
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Why don't you install the Krusader container and have a poke about the UNRAID folder and have a look.  I wouldn't be surprised if they're still there somewhere but it's a config problem.


Unless you're comfortable using mc (midnight commander)


I'd check out individual disks, user shares, cache....

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