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HDD temps spiking after upgrade


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I just did the upgrade to unRAID 6 from 5.0.4 and one thing I'm noticing right off the bat is much higher temps on my Hard Drives. Before the upgrade, the hottest drive would never peak much more than 38-39C. Now they're averaging around 45C with peak temps around 53C!  Is that a bug or am I seriously missing something here? I've been running unRAID on the same Hardware for at least 3-4 years now and have never seen temps that high. All fans are working as normal.  Any thoughts?

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I had a similar issue even just upgrading from 6.1.4 to 6.1.6


Around 2 days after upgrading i started to get warnings about drive temps. Under windows in the same system i never had issues. I never found the cause for this but at least someone else has a similar issue.

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The Warnings are as a result of temperatures hitting or exceeding tolerance variables which can be set in unRAID Server Settings.


The default for these settings I believe is Warning of High Temperatures @ 45'C and Warning of Critical Temperature at 60'C (or something like that).


This warning doesn't actually affect the temperature of the drive. The temperature of the drive is the temperature of the drive period and nothing in the unRAID software (AFAIK) is going to make the drives hotter.


If it helps you, what I did was look at the maximum operating specification of my drives (in my case I have WD Red's and Seagate Archive Drives) which were:


Seagate Archive: 60'C

WD Red's: 65'C


So what I did was set my warning in accordance with the drive that had the lowest tolerance, the Seagate Archive Drive. I set warning levels to Warning of High Temperature to 50'C and Warning of Critical Temperature to 55'C. Now the only time I get warnings is when those temperatures are hit or exceeded.


Fortunately the cooling in my cases is good enough that I have only had a warning once when one of my drives hit 50'C. This was because It was a 41'C day in Melbourne in a warm room when I wasn't home (and the A/C was off) and there was a Parity Check underway. Well within limits but I was glad for the warning as I cancelled the check (remotely) so it could be performed later when I was either home and could make the room cooler or it was in fact just cooler outside.


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Ok... So I went back to my server room/furnace room and looked again.  Turns out an intake fan in front of that particular drive bay decided to self destruct... Literally. Sheared off fan blades and everything! I put a spare fan in and left the furnace room door open a tad and now temps are back to normal.  Funny the dang fan would wait to blow up until just after a server upgrade.  Oh well... I guess my problem is solved!  Thanks anyway. lol

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Are you sure your fans are working? Nothing about the upgrade should affect this.


SOLVED! Trurl clearly had his "Force" on!!!


I just did the upgrade to unRAID 6 from 5.0.4 and one thing I'm noticing right off the bat is much higher temps on my Hard Drives. Before the upgrade, the hottest drive would never peak much more than 38-39C. Now they're averaging around 45C with peak temps around 53C!  Is that a bug or am I seriously missing something here? I've been running unRAID on the same Hardware for at least 3-4 years now and have never seen temps that high. All fans are working as normal.  Any thoughts?


Good News! :)

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Ok... So I went back to my server room/furnace room and looked again.  Turns out an intake fan in front of that particular drive bay decided to self destruct... Literally. Sheared off fan blades and everything! I put a spare fan in and left the furnace room door open a tad and now temps are back to normal.  Funny the dang fan would wait to blow up until just after a server upgrade.  Oh well... I guess my problem is solved!  Thanks anyway. lol

You undoubtedly shut down or at least rebooted your server when you upgraded it.  When you did that the fan slowed or stopped.  When it started back up you started having your problems.  I've had fans die this way before myself.  As long as they were running they were fine but when I turned them off and then back on the problems started.
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