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Two options for small starter unraid server


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I'm looking to build a small unraid server instead of a synology or qnap.


I'd like the small box build, going to start with just two disks and add as I need.

I want to run plex and maybe Sickbeard and couchpotato. As well as something to backup my families mobile phone photos and FIL's computer remotely ( I was thinking owncloud)


Here's the two options I've came up with so far. Looking for feedback :)



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Your intel system is nice because that MB works with VT-d, so in the future, you can upgrade to a cpu that supports it, and enable VM's with passthrough. (if i'm remembering my model numbers right).


I'll also try to steer you to larger hdds, or at least, a larger parity. For example, if you got a 4TB parity NOW, then you can add 2tb/3tb or 4tb drives down the road (keep adding until you run out of sata slots) to increase your space, but keep your costs in check.


But if you wanted to add/replace some 2tb drives with 4's, you'll have to buy two, one for parity, then one to upgrade/etc. You don't need ALL large drives now, but try to splurge for as big of a pairty drive now, so that you can add bigger drives in the future without too much effort.

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