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Changing split level on shares.


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I've used split level 0 since i started using unRAID;


tv shows


Same for movies;



I manually created the folder media on my disks. Then added movies for disk 1. tv shows for disk 2 etc under the media share.


But now i need to expand to my other disks. My question is can I use the option for "split level automatically split any directory as required"? Or do I need to do something else?


I'm thinking this will maybe mix tv shows folders with my movie folders?

Im using allocation method High-water.

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The whole point of split level is to keep unRAID from splitting certain folders. For example, you probably want all the files for a specific movie kept together, or all the files for a season of a TV series, or all the files for an album of music. This is to prevent delays when spinning up disks which could happen if the next file needed is on a disk that is spun down.


The builtin Help in the webUI explains user share settings pretty well, including split level, and there is much more about this including examples in the wiki.

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Thanks for the quick replies guys!


If you stick with level 0 then you can expand to other disks by creating the relevant folders on them.  Alternatively if you know what split level you want you can set that.  Note that it will then apply to new files - unRAID will not move existing files.
I understand, then it really doesn't matter that much since I disabled the export of disk shares, and use only user shares. Just like to know where files are placed little OCD problem :P


The whole point of split level is to keep unRAID from splitting certain folders. For example, you probably want all the files for a specific movie kept together, or all the files for a season of a TV series, or all the files for an album of music. This is to prevent delays when spinning up disks which could happen if the next file needed is on a disk that is spun down.


The builtin Help in the webUI explains user share settings pretty well, including split level, and there is much more about this including examples in the wiki

I didnt think of the Help button in the GUI, thanks :)
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