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Monitor more S.M.A.R.T attributes


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SMART can be a confusing and inconsistent world though.  When drives include 184, it's often a critical attribute, which in this case would have caused a SMART drive failed error.  But with your drive, the manufacturer did NOT mark it as a critical attribute (flag is 0x32 not 0x33, Old-age not Pre-fail).  So while it's interesting that it displays 'FAILING NOW', it may actually not be important, just an FYI, for this drive.  Technically, if it's not a critical attribute, it's not failing now, even if it says so!

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SMART can be a confusing and inconsistent world though.  When drives include 184, it's often a critical attribute, which in this case would have caused a SMART drive failed error.  But with your drive, the manufacturer did NOT mark it as a critical attribute (flag is 0x32 not 0x33, Old-age not Pre-fail).  So while it's interesting that it displays 'FAILING NOW', it may actually not be important, just an FYI, for this drive.  Technically, if it's not a critical attribute, it's not failing now, even if it says so!


It's failing, a lot of read errors appeared on the main page and on the log. Probably the onboard cache memory is going bad.

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