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Log is always at 98 % ... What did I do wrong?


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Hi everybody,


need some help again. Unraid-Server is running perfectly. Such a pleasure. BUT, my log seems to be full all the time on my main machine. On my backup machine there is no problem, log is constantly at about 3-5 %.


Any wrong configuration? Where should I start to search? Or just ignore it?


Not a native speaker, so please apologize any bad writing.


Greetings from Germany!




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Your very large logs are due to a tremendous amount of mover activity. You have it scheduled for every 4 hours and it appears you also run it manually on occasion. Maybe you should consider not caching the shares that require so much moving and just letting them write directly to the array.


Are you doing the initial data transfer to your server? Some people do the initial data transfer with no caching and without parity so the writes are at full speed.


Doesn't appear anything actually abnormal going on and once you quit writing and moving so much it should settle down.

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Ok, that makes sense. It was not my Initial Transfer, but the mover was indeed set to move every 4 hours, even though there was nothing to move.


It is not that much data which is daily added to my Baby. Should I switch cache disk off for my data share? Could that help?


Tahnks a lot for your help!

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Ok, that makes sense. It was not my Initial Transfer, but the mover was indeed set to move every 4 hours, even though there was nothing to move.


It is not that much data which is daily added to my Baby. Should I switch cache disk off for my data share? Could that help?


Tahnks a lot for your help!

Now you make me wonder if you really know what is being written to your server. It is true that often there is nothing to move, and when there is nothing to move little is written to the logs, but sometimes it runs for many minutes moving a lot of files, and each file is logged. And there is this invocation of mover that I assume must have been manual since it is not started at the scheduled time.
Jun 15 22:38:55 Heisenberg logger: mover started
Jun 15 22:38:55 Heisenberg logger: moving "D..n"

That one went on for hours.


So, your logs are so large because a lot of file moves are being logged.

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Man, I make you wonder, you make me scared. Seems as if you are right. I really have no idea was is written to the server all day long. But, we are only two, my wife and I.


Sure, I started the mover from time to time. I will have a close look to how this will develop.


I´m clearly not sure what kind of data there is copied to this server. Crashplan, tonido, plex etc. and three VM´s. My wife uses the server to store there work stuff on. Not so much data I guess.


I will keep you posted on this. First thing I did was to change the mover settings to daily. Now I will change the chache settings to write data directly into the array and not to use the cache drive.


Thanks so much guys for your help. I really appreciate this!



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