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[Answered]Removing a drive I'm not going to replace


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I have a question related to removing a drive I'm not going to replace.  My Seagate 8TB NAS drive is too loud for my taste with its constant high pitched humming.  The desktop version doesn't have this problem.  The drive is blank.  All I've done is format the disk and run the SMART tests.  I am running version 6.1.8.


I've looked at the wiki and I would like to know if these are the steps I should follow.


After stopping the array, powering down, removing the drive, and powering back on,


1) Perform a new config.  At this point do I click Apply or Done?

2) Assign the parity

3) Assign the data drives

4) Start the array

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Don't remember the specific details of whether you get an apply or done button, but the steps sound right. Also, don't check the box to trust parity, since parity will need to be rebuilt without the removed drive.


Try it and if you get stuck post a screenshot. The only chance of data loss is if you accidentally assign the wrong drive to parity.

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