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Plex: Proper paths for libraries


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Hello, I'm trying to set up Plex, besides the fact that I'm not sure if I've got the path for the transcoding right, I'm not able to get any of my libraries to show up. I probably don't have the correct library set. I've been using the equivalent of \\Tower\Things to Watch\Movies although I guess it needs some internal path?

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In a nutshell then, any given docker application has no concept of the underlying filesystem on the host.


IE: It only has access to folders on the server that you explicitly give it access to.


By Plexinc, not sure whether you are using the now removed template from Ketchuphed or today's release of the Official Plex Template from the developers themselves, but if the latter, you will change the host mapping of the /data volume path in the template that appears when you add / edit the container to be something like /mnt/user/Movies (and add another mapping if need be of say /data1 -> /mnt/user/Television)


Then within Plex when creating the libraries, you navigate to /data (or /data1) and all of your files are in there.


Would probably be wise to go through the Docker FAQ, (and the noobie docker setup guide even though its outdated)

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