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putty question


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I'm on Win7.


I just started using putty.  It hangs when I reboot unRAID and the window says inactive or something and that window is never responsive again. 


If I just telnet in from a cmd shell and reboot then the telnet exits and I'm in the shell ready to telnet in again.  I like that behavior.


Is there some way to make putty behave more like the shell?

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That is because in windows command prompt you are in a windows shell but in putty you are creating a session directly on your unraid box itself. When you reboot the shell closes and nothing to fallback into. Hopefully I explained that correctly.

In putty I right click on the top border, then choose "Duplicate Session"  This will open a new window with the same settings as the old that is inactive.  You will need to log in again.  The old window will close if you attempt to type in it, you can ignore it or close it.
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That's not entirely true. You can get the putty window to be responsive again. Once the server is back online, right click on the top menu area and select "Renew Session" or "Restart Session" (can't remember the exact wording).


One other setting to try is under "Session" category, the "Close window on exit" section at the bottom right, try out "Always". It may exit back to the original popup menu asking you want to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you use a "newer" version of PuTTY, which is actually called 'PuTTY Tray' and was adapted/continued from the original work, there's now an option (among OMFG LOTS of others) for 'Attempt reconnect on connection failure' which is under the 'Connection' settings.


I use my handy bookmark URL of 'putty.phe4r.com' to easily get access to the latest version of PuTTY no matter where I am or what system I'm on. It's an easy URL to remember so I can download and use it for whatever reason, anyone is welcome to use that as well.

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