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Not enough free space on drive (I have 5.48TB Free)

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Thank you for your answer:


1.  I have no Idea what it means. Even if it tells me exactly what to do.

2.  So what should the system share be then? What is the appropriate setting?

3. I was under the impression that Death Star (which is where all my files are downloaded) should not use the Cache. I mean this is what I gathered from our previous posts. And frankly, when I changed that, all my problems went away. Am I still doing something wrong?

4. Well, my NAS is not always working at 100% as the problem claims. I can see it from the monitoring indications. But I have no idea what those drivers are and how to get them.


Please note that even though this "problems" were found by the scanner my NAS works well and I got no issues like before.


What do you think?



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2 hours ago, SopraNo3 said:

1. I have no Idea what it means. Even if it tells me exactly what to do.

Here are the relevant instructions from the link I gave you:

On 5/26/2017 at 10:57 AM, Squid said:

you need to adjust your volume mappings mode (usually either RW or Read Only) to be RW:Slave or Read Only:Slave) by editing the template, and then clicking "Edit" on the volume being passed to the container.


2 hours ago, SopraNo3 said:

2. So what should the system share be then? What is the appropriate setting?

On 4/2/2020 at 10:26 AM, trurl said:

In order to get system share moved completely to cache, you will have to disable dockers (Settings - Docker), set system share to cache-prefer, and run mover.


2 hours ago, SopraNo3 said:

3. I was under the impression that Death Star (which is where all my files are downloaded) should not use the Cache. I mean this is what I gathered from our previous posts. And frankly, when I changed that, all my problems went away. Am I still doing something wrong?

 You have it set to cache-no, but it still has files on cache. Mover ignores cache-no and cache-only shares. In order to get the rest of that share moved from cache to array, you will have to set it to cache-yes and run mover.


It doesn't look like we actually confirmed that you had successfully taken care of 2 and 3 earlier so after doing those post your diagnostics. After we have confirmed that system is all on cache and Death Star is all on the array, then you can change system to cache-only and Death Star to cache-no.


2 hours ago, SopraNo3 said:

4. Well, my NAS is not always working at 100% as the problem claims. I can see it from the monitoring indications. But I have no idea what those drivers are and how to get them.

Here are some search results:


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  • 11 months later...

I am getting something like this. I have just changed out 3 600gb drives to 900gb drives. When trying to move the data back from another drive using kursader it shows I only have 80gb free. I Have formatted the drives and used pre clear on all 3 and they all 3 still show the same 80gb useable. UNRAID is showing all 3 to have 900gb. 

Also when I am in Kursader I can make a new test folder and when I try and view the files in UNRAID there is no test folder showing.

Here is my diag file


Edited by Blink8512
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