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Web GUI unresponsive, all other components working perfectly

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As mentioned in the title I have encountered a weird problem recently were the web GUI becomes unresponsive (loading forever), all other components working perfectly.


This morning I connected to my routers VPN and tried to access the GUI, while the /main page started loading it did not manage to load fully. When I tried to switch to /dashboard the interface was unable to load at all. Switching from router VPN to openvpn-as docker VPN did not solve the issue. Using a different client did not solve the issue. It seems this is not the first time this has happened to my server. So I was wondering if someone could provide some clarity on the issue. The diagnostics file is attached.


i am running the latest stable version of UnRaid.


Thanks in advance.


Edited by MrChunky
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15 minutes ago, MrChunky said:

As mentioned in the title I have encountered a weird problem recently were the web GUI becomes unresponsive (loading forever


16 minutes ago, MrChunky said:

while the /main page started loading it did not manage to load fully

The problem is that a process from the webUI crashed or is hanging up waiting for something.  emhttp unfortunately is single-threaded, and every process executed must complete before a new page request can be processed.


Nothing in the ps report in the diagnostics outright jumps out at me as which process it is, so at this point, you can either wait it out -> hopefully it will complete, or at the command prompt

powerdown -r

to hopefully restart the system.


Note that unRaid 6.4 will be switching to utilizing nginx instead of emhttp so hopefully this issue will no longer surface.

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40 minutes ago, Squid said:

Nothing in the ps report in the diagnostics outright jumps out at me as which process it is, so at this point, you can either wait it out -> hopefully it will complete, or at the command prompt

powerdown -r

to hopefully restart the system.

 Is there any way to restart emhttp separately? I've looked around, but could not find anything.


Its weird that emhttp is not even showing high usage. I was particularly concerned about the broken pipe message in the syslog that showed up around the time GUI crashed.

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  • 1 month later...

My webui crashed while using the preclear plugin which was at 99% of step 3.  The area on the main screen further down in the preclear section was empty and rotating star.  I was using preclear to check if a sdcard was good or bad.


I will wait it out.


Is there a way to start a VM from terminal?

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  • 3 years later...

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