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New problems with VM machines?? GPU not giving signal untill VM loaded into Windows??


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Hi guys,


I have 2 problems with VM. Hope someone can help me with this.


Problem 1:

When I start a Windows or Mac OS X VM with dedicated videocard I would normally see the bios comming up and after that the Windows or Mac loading signs before Windows or mac is eventually loaded. But now the monitor stays without signal untill Windows or Mac is fully loaded and waiting for user selection is prompted. Now every VM I create has this problem. There has been no changes in hardware before this problem occured. 


Problem 2:

When I create a new VM with a dedicated Graphicscard the monitor stays without signal and uses about 100% of the CPU. The unRaid GUI does not respond anymore and the only thing left to do is pushing the power button for a few seconds untill the computer beeps and unRaid shuts the array and the computer down. If I create a VM without a dedicated GPU everything works fine. When I change the VNC for a dedicated GPU the whole thing crashes again. But when I use Virtual Machine Manager thru Fedora and add the Dedicated GPU everything works well. Except for Problem 1. 


I recently upgraded to unRaid 6.3.3 and don't know if this has anything to do with these problems. And today I changed the CPU to a E5-2680 where it used to be a E5-2670. Don't know if problem 2 started with the CPU upgrade but Problem 1 was there before I changed the CPU and still is.


Does anyone know what I can do to fix these problems? Help is very much apreciated. ;)


Please excuse my bad english.

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For problem 2 I found a diffrence in the XML code.



Working version: Made by Virtual Machine Manager (Fedora)

    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x08' function='0x0'/>


NOT working version from unRaid GUI:

    <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
      <driver name='vfio'/>
        <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x04' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
      <alias name='hostdev0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>


Could this be the problem why the monitor never gets any signal and the CPU sticks with 100% in use??

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What guides are you following for your vm creation? Many vm problems due to loading/etc are caused from users going at it their own and missing key points to stable vm creation.



For osx, if you give it a VNC monitor and GPU, it will not activate the monitor until 7/8th through the boot, or until the desktop is loaded I have found. With GPU only it sends the signal immediately and your monitor initialization time determines how long you go until you see an image. 

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15 minutes ago, 1812 said:

What guides are you following for your vm creation? Many vm problems due to loading/etc are caused from users going at it their own and missing key points to stable vm creation.




Thanks for your response. I simply use the unRaid Windows 10 template. Change the amount of Memory, select the Logical CPU, select keyboard and mouse, select the Windows 10 ISO and the GPU I want to use and that's about it. 


It used to work for a couple of weeks but now it doesn't anymore. 

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10 minutes ago, 1812 said:

follow the guide in this vid




lol that's a very very basic tutorial. But that doesn't work in my case. Problems are still there if I use this step by step tutorial.


Plus there is another problem when I use exactly these settings. I can't install Windows with more than 1 core selected. That's another problem SQUID helped me on before. After the install I can select more core's but not with the install of windows itself. The install ISO boots and shows the windows logo but the loading dots won't come up. It just won't install with multiple cores selected.


But that's another problem. ;P


Ohh and my monitor comes up after about 35 seconds. That's exactly when Windows shows the user selection.

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ok, don't listen to me. Every vm i've created using that method is 100% stable and operates as expected. And as I've seen, many users run into problems when they don't exactly follow tested and proven guides to setting up virtual machines .




good luck to you.

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5 minutes ago, 1812 said:

ok, don't listen to me. Every vm i've created using that method is 100% stable and operates as expected. And as I've seen, many users run into problems when they don't exactly follow tested and proven guides to setting up virtual machines .




good luck to you.


Don't get me wrong. I apreciate your help but I've made many VM's but the problem is not with the creation of the VM's but it is something else.

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2 minutes ago, Squid said:

While maybe not your issue I have seen monitors that operate the same way in bare metal installs. Sync issue on the monitor. Real pita if you have to change a bios setting

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk


I've just made some progres with problem 1. It seems like my onboard VGA had something to do with it.


In the bios the onboard VGA is primairy and on the VGA port is a VGAtoHDMI converter but without power. Because I don't use the onboard VGA much. Now I placed the converter on power and the problem is solved. The VM starts with the dedicated R9 280X Radeon like it should. 




Thank you all for the inspiration. 

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