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Xeoma - Surveillance Software

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48 minutes ago, coppit said:


Huh. I vaguely recall seeing that before, and thinking that it was harmless. Do you have any other errors below that? Feel free to upload the log. The server should be running "headless" without a UI. Looking in my log, I don't see that message now. It also makes me wonder if you're using the right version (see below).


bokchoy, your server is advertising port 8090 according to netstat. So that makes me think the problem is on the client side. Try connecting from another device, like with the iOS or Android client. And double-check your firewall on your computer.


Also, a longshot: Can you guys try something for me? Try updating the container. You might need to do it using the "force update" from the advanced view. My recent handbrake container had an issue where an update was needed.

I gave this a shot.  Below is my full log after forcing an update and starting the docker.  It continues to run but this is the log.  I cannot connect to it.  I tried it in a linux VM and had no issues.


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/50_configure_xeoma.sh...
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 21
[Apr 20 09:24:20 PM] Using the stable version of Xeoma
[Apr 20 09:24:20 PM] Setting the password
Apr 20 21:24:20 0712462b9a51 syslog-ng[30]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.6'
Failed to open 'libX11'

Password set successfull
[Apr 20 09:24:20 PM] Starting the server in 5 seconds...

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Hm... The only difference I see with my startup and yours is that I'm using the beta version, and mine is missing the libX11 error.


I switched back to the stable version, and repro'd the symlink error. I'll fix that tomorrow. The workaround is to delete the "config" file in the config dir, then restart the container. (Not the entire config dir!)


Unfortunately I was able to connect with the stable version too. The libX11 message is apparently harmless.


I'm kinda out of ideas. There are only so many variables with docker containers... Grasping at straws now... docker -v says 1.12.6 on my server. Maybe you guys are running an older version of unraid/docker?

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I messed around a bit with things and switching to the beta and proper config removal fixed the libx11 error.


Now I'm in the same boat as bokchoy and simply cannot connect to it from my desktop.  I'm going to take a look at some network items for that, but I don't have a problem connecting to a VM with it so I'm pretty sure it is related to docker.


FWIW docker -v is also 1.12.6 here.

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Also running docker 1.12.6


When I get time either later tonight or this weekend I plan on comparing the xeoma files that were installed in the VM vs he files installed in the docker config and seeing if I can see any differences or seeing if Xeoma is writing logs somewhere.


@coppit Is it possible for you to modify your docker vars to set it up at another location on the i.e. /config <-> /mnt/cache/appdata/Xeoma2, /archive <-> /mnt/disks/<disk>/xeoma2-archive. and try connecting? Curious if you may have manually copied files/updated configurations once Xeoma was running in the container that's allowing Xeoma to respond to requests. 

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23 hours ago, bokchoy said:

Is it possible for you to modify your docker vars to set it up at another location on the i.e. /config <-> /mnt/cache/appdata/Xeoma2, /archive <-> /mnt/disks/<disk>/xeoma2-archive. and try connecting?


BOOM. Got the repro. Now I can work on a fix. :-) Stay tuned!

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14 hours ago, hendu said:

coppit just curious, are you using a paid license or trial?


I started with trial, got it working, kicked the tires, then bought a license.


Another bit of good news is that FelenaSoft gave me another license, so I can test host networking and camera search.

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Running into some issues:


*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/50_configure_xeoma.sh...
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 21
[Apr 23 01:13:05 AM] Using the stable version of Xeoma
[Apr 23 01:13:05 AM] Setting the password
Apr 23 01:13:05 0cbbfe9f9198 syslog-ng[28]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.6'
Failed to open 'libX11'

Password set successfull
[Apr 23 01:13:05 AM] Starting the server in 5 seconds...



^^^ This never starts

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6 hours ago, coppit said:

Got the repro. Now I can work on a fix. :-) Stay tuned!


Okay, I just pushed a new version. Hopefully folks will be able to connect now.


I also verified that the cameras can be found with a search when in host mode. The "simple search" was very slow for me, and there was some message about not being able to automatically add the cameras due to system resources. But the search by IP and login worked really well.


5 hours ago, miniwalks said:

^^^ This never starts

That's actually the last message when it starts. :-)

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2 hours ago, miniwalks said:

Thanks for that, I'm guessing there's no WebUI for the software? And that you have to use an app to configure the software?


See the first post in the thread. It has a link to documentation that explains that and more.

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6 hours ago, coppit said:


Okay, I just pushed a new version. Hopefully folks will be able to connect now.


I also verified that the cameras can be found with a search when in host mode. The "simple search" was very slow for me, and there was some message about not being able to automatically add the cameras due to system resources. But the search by IP and login worked really well.


That's actually the last message when it starts. :-)

Great work.  I'm up and running now.  I just need to decide if I want to run the xeoma docker and save some resource (and pay another 50 for licensing) or stick with my VM and blue iris...the cpu save is pretty big and it seems like the 3 cameras I have are performing well so far in the trial.

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Just some findings for you @coppit.


works great on first run.  However; when restarting the container, I get the following error.  Simply stopping the container and then starting it reproduces it.


The work around I get is simply go to edit the docker and save.  Removing the directory didn't fix it.  Note, I run with my appdata on a separate drive mounted via unassigned devices.

*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/50_configure_xeoma.sh...
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/.config’: File exists
*** /etc/my_init.d/50_configure_xeoma.sh failed with status 1

*** Killing all processes...

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2 minutes ago, hendu said:

Having gone from BI to the @coppit, do you think it's a worthwhile leap in order to get out of a BI VM?

Yeah, I'm happy with Xeoma. Very low CPU, does the motion detect + pre- and post-motion recording I want, and doesn't require a VM. It's a little pricey, but I only have 2 cameras and just need the standard license so it's not too bad. (On par with Blue Iris.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been running this licensed for the last week and a half now.  Overall I'd say things have been great.  I think I lose a few features over blue iris, but not having to run a windows vm that was consuming the amount of CPU necessary for BI is a nice trade off.


I am noticing that occasionally the licensing must lose connection to their servers, and since the docker is a vm and requires constant connection, this requires me to re-enter my code.  I have to see why that's happening, I've been rebooting my server a bit more lately as I work on things, I'll have to see if that's related.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello i cant get the docker to run when i click the start button on the docker it doesnt do anything 

this is what it shows when i hit the start button


May 16 20:25:40 Tower kernel: veth21e7817: renamed from eth0
May 16 20:25:40 Tower kernel: docker0: port 5(vethc19737f) entered disabled state
May 16 20:25:40 Tower kernel: device vethc19737f left promiscuous mode
May 16 20:25:40 Tower kernel: docker0: port 5(vethc19737f) entered disabled state
Edited by thegeneral
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Dunno if it's just me, but the software feels very clumsy when trying to add cameras

I've got 2 main models of cameras. And they both seem to just be difficult to add them and add triggered recording

Are there any decent guides for the software? Normally I'd just push through it and write a blog on it, but with all the cyber threats at the moment work is very busy :(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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17 hours ago, miniwalks said:

Dunno if it's just me, but the software feels very clumsy when trying to add cameras

I've got 2 main models of cameras. And they both seem to just be difficult to add them and add triggered recording

Are there any decent guides for the software? Normally I'd just push through it and write a blog on it, but with all the cyber threats at the moment work is very busy :(

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I found using the IP address search of the camera and entering the user/pass was easiest. The self discovery worked, but it was slow.  I can't remember, but I think you still have to select the option to 'add camera' even after it finds it with that.


As for motion trigger, it's a matter of setting up the workflow properly.  I have a simple scheduler one (so I can adjust by time of day at some point), then the motion sensor.  I had to fiddle with my settings for sensitivity and zones.  From the motion sensor I have an email branch to send me notifications of movement and then a Preview and Archive.  



I have a lot of customization I still need to do but this got me up and running quickly.  I really am liking my set up now, and I am thoroughly enjoying not having to run a windows VM for BI.  


I have switched to the beta branch and my issue with losing license connection seems to have gone away.  The Xeoma support was very helpful with this.

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On 5/16/2017 at 8:30 PM, thegeneral said:

Hello i cant get the docker to run when i click the start button on the docker it doesnt do anything 


Did you configure the port, /archive path, and /config path? Bridge or host networking?


Are you saying that when you click on the logs icon, you see that output? If so, are you sure you're using coppit/xeoma?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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