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New User to unRaid - About to Begin!


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Hi, thought I'd say hello whilst I wait to pop my unRaid cherry!


Currently have a Synology DS414 - used for downloading, personal file sync / cloud sync to OneDrive, and a HP Gen8 Microserver runnning Ubuntu Server & Owncloud for Plex media (Plex itself runs on a separate machine), and for file sync of some larger folders which Synology seemed to struggle with.


I've purchased a Chenbro 12-bay 2u server, with dual X5550 & 16GB Ram. Disks will be a mixture of new and existing, giving approx 50tb (excluding Parity)


I'd originally planned to use Xpenology, and so to keep fan noise and heat down, I've also purchased a pair of L5520's to use instead of the X5550's.


The more I read into Xpenology, the more concerned I became that whilst I can probably get it up & running fine at the moment, support for it seemed to be dwindling and would end up having to do something else in a couple of years.


So I took another look at unRaid (which I'd looked into anyway beforehand), and think I'm going to give it a go and see how I get on with it.

I've read various articles, watched many of the youtube videos by Jon Panozzo & Spaceinvader One, and whilst a few bits seemed a little more convoluted to setup than I felt would be the case; there was nothing that gave me too much concern.


So waiting for the last few components - hopefully arriving today, allowing me to get cracking over the weekend!

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On 4/21/2017 at 6:06 PM, kizer said:

Just remember one thing. If/when you get stuck just ask a question in the forum. Somebody has been there and will know exactly what you need to keep you moving along. ;-)


Very kind, thank you :)


As it happens, it's going fairly well - lots of 'waiting around', but have done the pre-clear on the first 4 drives, and am about 60% into the parity build.


Had a problem with the temp sensors plugin - when I restarted I had endless error messages in the console about sensors not being found. Disabled the plugin for now, and I'll tackle that one again another time!

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