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HDD dying as we speak (/screwed ?)


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New to unRAID, had a lot of fun in the last 48 hours.

Was keep telling me, this is a game changer and then....boom


Let's rewind: I took a bunch of HDD that I've been using for a while (with no priors issues), put them together, very patiently transferred all the data in the Array (cache disabled and no parity)

Earlier today, I was happy, everything was consolidated and green/smart everywhere.

Time to create the parity disk and call it a day !

And then few hours after (in the middle of the parity process) one of my disk "exploded" with millions of reads errors (according to the main tabs).

I can't access anything thru the shares folders (not even the content on the other HDDs, everything show-up empty).


Don't know what to do....the parity check is still going....should I stop the array ? Start mourning my data ?


Thanks for your help and advice (make it easily understandable please, I'm new to all this)




CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-4440 CPU @ 3.10GHz
HVM: Enabled
IOMMU: Enabled
Cache: 256 kB, 1024 kB, 6144 kB
Memory: 24 GB (max. installable capacity 32 GB)
Network: bond0: fault-tolerance (active-backup), mtu 1500 
 eth0: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1500
Kernel: Linux 4.9.19-unRAID x86_64



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2 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Be glad it lasted as long as it did.



uh oh.....must have missed the memo about that....."funny" thing is I have another one in my array :(

ok so go run to the nearest store and go buy some WD RED I guess ?


Should I try to re-launch the array and see what I can salvage (if any) from the one that went offline ? 


Note: I had a lot of data backed on ACD unlimited with ARQ but not everything so I still lost some stuffs (stupid me for not being organised enough)

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Yeah that disk is a gonner:

197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0012   097   091   000    Old_age   Always       -       648
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   097   091   000    Old_age   Offline      -       648

You should still be able to copy some/most data from it, unassign the parity disk, start the array and copy everything you can from that disk to other array disk or another computer.


Star by copying the most important data, if disk goes offline, reboot and try to copy different files.

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Not pretty, but agree with Johnnie's advice. You should be able to copy all or most of the data from this drive with some effort.


I do notice that the drive has been operated at a high temperature in the past. Do you best to keep it cool while doing your copying.


Copy most valuable data first.


Good luck!

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Update: I've been able to move almost everything from the failing disk, it's still in progress - should be done in a bunch of hours- but so far everything has been working with no hiccups and all the most critical data is safe already so it's possible I achieve 100% data retrieval !

I'm also moving all the data from the other ST3000DM001 (still healthy but for how long ?) and will be replacing both with some brand new WD RED.


Again thanks everyone for your help !


PS: for the temperature, yes it's now in a 19" rackcase with some 120mm fan directly blowing at them. 


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