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Any soutions to needing FreePBX or FreeSwitch?


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Hi Guys,


Not sure if I am posting this in the correct section, I dont have privelages to post in Docker Containers. So I am posting here. I am hoping to run asterisk/freepbx on my unraid server but not sure how I can do it or if it is even possible. I cant find any dockers for these and that leads me to believe it cant be done. I cant be the first to want to do voip from my machine. I was thinking of running it thru a vm if not but cant find any info on this so i assume it is not as simple as loading the iso into a vm.


Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. and sorry again if this is the wrong place to post


Thanks as always,



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The docker containers you find here, are the same as any other container other than they are either produced by one of the Unraid community or they have templates for use with Unraid's docker implementation created for them.


On docker hub there are containers. 


Unraid uses those containers but also utilises a template system to interact with the gui.


You can use any container you want generally, just need to create the template.

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