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Replacing a drive


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I would like to check something, hopefully I have done it right...


So i replaced my last 3TB seagate drive with a new 4TB WD red. I just want to make sure I have done it correctly and if the write speed of around 30MB/s is normal


  1. Shut down
  2. Replaced drive
  3. Started up
  4. Formatted Disk XFS
  5. Pre cleared drive (no errors)
  6. Started Parity-Sync/Data-Rebuild

If I hover over disk 2 the new replaced disk it says "device content emulated"





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Keep the 3TB handy as it appears that you may have made a mistake in the replacement.   If you ‘formatted’ the drive in unRAID then that effectively wipes the contents of the drive so you need to recover the data off the old 3TB drive.    Formatting is never part of replacing a drive - only adding a new drive to the array.  However if you meant to clear the drive down that is OK - but you did not mention that.


you did not mention assigning the new 4TB drive to the array and you mention that unRAID says the drive is being emulated?   This suggests to me that unRAID is not actually writing to the drive.  Does it have. A red ‘x’ in the GUI -that is what you see when a drive is not being written to.   However since you have done a format you cannot rebuild the contents of the drive using parity plus the other drives.   


Do you have any spare SATA slots (or a USB enclosure for a SATA drive?    If so I would think the best way forward is:

- go to Tools->New Config.   Select the option to keep current assignments and then apply it.

- on the main tab make sure that the 4TB Drive is assigned in place of the 3TB one.

- start the array to build parity from the new disk set.

- if you do not already have it then install the Unassigned Devices (UD) plugin.

- mount the old 3TB drive using the UD plugin.

- Copy the files from the old 3TB drive to the new 4TB one.


if there is a factor that you have not mentioned then please do so in case it invalidates the procedure I recommended.

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So it looks like the dialogue screens confused me.

The drive has yellow warning symbol. Can I just stop everything. Put the 3tb drive back in. Create parity again.

Haven't got any spare ports left unless I can disconnect the SSD cache drive

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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20 minutes ago, bally12345 said:

Ok so got a USB dock I can use. Will stop the current sync. Connect USB dock with the 3TB drive and mount it and simply copy and paste everything over using teracopy. Then is it just a case of doing parity check after?


Might as well let the rebuild finish then copy the data.

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Right iv had some time to take some deep breaths, I got myself in bit of a panic. I actually dont know what I have done all I know.


I know I stopped the sync shut down since I posted the screen shot... even though I could have just plugged the USB dock straight into the port.


So I question now, can I re-add the old drive and remove the 4tb drive. Rebuild everything so it was like i had 24 hours ago or have I messed the config up.


I have rescanned UD it shows the drive plus all the card reader slots but no idea on how to mount that.


What will be the best option



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Ok im going to stop pratting about, leave it alone let it rebuild then see what the situation is tomorrow.


Start will bring the array on-line and start Parity-Sync and/or Data-Rebuild.



So once that has completed just mount the 3TB drive using UD then copy data direct to disk.

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14 minutes ago, bally12345 said:

So once that has completed just mount the 3TB drive using UD then copy data direct to disk.


Yes, since you formatted the new disk (and assuming the old disk was already XFS) they should have a different UUID and no problem mounting both at the same time, but if the old disk doesn't mount don't panic and post the diags.

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Yes, just make sure that before doing it you stop docker/VM services if they are using the cache disk.

Im not going to do anything until this parity sync is completed. All my dockers run from a 2nd server but that has zero space for another drive

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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Im not going to do anything until this parity sync is completed. All my dockers run from a 2nd server but that has zero space for another drive

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Good news all data copied from 3 Tb to 4Tb wd red, cache drive been back in place.

For some reason disk2 doesn't seem to spin down. Noticed this with the 3tb seagate drive too.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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