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cron help


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I am running two ssd's for plex and docker, they are NOT cache disks, I am not using a cache disk.  I tried the Dynamix trim plugin, but when I go to the page, it lands me at the parity check page (aka the scheduler page).  I assume trim is not listed because my ssd's are not cache disks.


Its been a long time since I configured a cron job in unraid (5.x), but I remember it being in the /boot somewhere-or-other.  There are a few posts on reddit about it, but they're all 3-5 years old.  So, to make sure I am doing things right under 6.x, where can I put in a script and cron job to run trim on both ssd's daily?



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I seem to recall something about that, with the trim settings not appearing if you don't have an SSD cache drive.  Why not assign one of them as a cache drive?  Makes life a hair easier (and you don't need to use it for any shares)


But to actually answer your question, you want the user scripts plugin.  Your script will be fstrim -a

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