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Reconfigured my drives is this right


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Ok so I reconfigured my drives, I dropped the 1TB 2.5 in favor of a second ssd for the cache making the system 1 4TB parity 2 4TB data 2 240GB ssd's for the cache and a 16 GB flash for the os one last question so I have all green indicators (I like green indicators) but I did notice that my second ssd in the cache is not showing a folder on the right side on the console is that normal until something is written to it? Will start addidng data from here on out thanks for all the help!

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10 hours ago, itimpi said:

Woth 2 drives the default is that the second drive is used to provide redundancy (rather than more space), so only the first ever shows the files.

Good was thinking that may be the case as it is doing everything else, reads, writes and is seen by the array, thanks for the info!

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