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permission issues with cache


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This started soon after installing several torrent dockers. Every few days permissions will change for /mnt/cache/appdata/. Usually I can run Docker Safe New Perms and correct the problem, but for some reason that has stopped working. Would like to know how to set proper permissions for appdata and even more, how to stop this problem from recurring. Diagnostics attached in case they help.




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I would review your settings for the torrent dockers and be sure they don't have access directly to /mnt/cache/appdata and instead have only access to their respective folders - i.e. /mnt/cache/appdata/torrent.  Dockers will change permissions of the directories and folders in their respective appdata folders based on their own needs.  It appears that one of the dockers is changing permissions on the /mnt/cache/appdata folder.  Nothing should be changing the permissions of that folder.

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