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(solved) Finally installing my first VM...NOT!


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7 minutes ago, tillkrueger said:

when creating a VM I don't see an option to select a bios...what am I missing here? if I had that option, are the settings for Win 7 and Win 10 different, as far as the bios is concerned?


on the right of the vm manager/creator is a toggle that says basic. click it to show advanced. then next to bios you can change it there.

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are there any other recommendable "themes" for Windows 10 that makes it look less like a Surface Tablet?
"Classic Menu" is one, I understand...let the search begin, bc the install of Windows 10 is going *so* much quicker and smoother than the Windows 7 install did, on my old machine, surprisingly.

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I don't like the Win10 UI either but the biggest thing is the mandatory updates.  I've tried registry updates to make windows think it is on a metered connection and a few other things.  They work but I've had everything I've done get reset when I manually update and then have to research how to turn everything off again and maybe have to include new ways.  So no thank you.  Much prefer Windows 7 UI and the ability to upgrade when I WANT TO not when MS says I have to. 

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I feel your pain, BobPhoenix...Windows is...well, Windows...it took me 3 years to completely banish all remnants of Windows from my business when I switched it over to an all-Mac workflow (being a Design/Audio/Video production facility, it was the best solution, with only an SGI Onyx for VRML and a DEC machine for Lightwave 3D as non-Mac machines).

For my unRAID system, I will tolerate Windows as a desktop environment until I muster up the courage to try following the instruction video that shows how to get a macOS desktop working...although I suspect that it will have to wait until *after* I do an extensive hardware upgrade of my system.

with that said, the Windows 10 now appears to be running solid through a few reboots, but I fail to figure out how to configure the network settings in such a way that I can see my unRAID shares from it...file-sharing is enabled in Windows 10, firewall is off, my unRAID is running on and I connect to it via OpenVPN and VNC...I hope to hear back from the IT guy at the location it is hosted to find out what the proper subnet, gateway and dns settings need to be...I suspect that when those are correct, I'll get access to my unRAID disk/user shares, right? or is there something else that needs to be done?

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Well, I got the proper IP numbers from my friend's IT guy, entered them, Windows alerted me of one problem and actually fixed it (DHCP needed to be enabled), and my Windows 10 VM seems to now be pretty happy, basic as it is...but I still can't see my unRAID shares...with file sharing enabled and firewall off, what can I check next in troubleshooting this?

should I start a new thread for that?

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according to this thread, it seems that my Network setup for the VM itself needs to be modified (to create the correct bridge)...will have to see whether I can kludge myself through that next time I shut down the VM.


in the meantime,  I mapped one of the drive letters to // and another drive letter to // to get direct access to the two most important user shares...but I wasn't successful trying to set up a drive letter to link to the root of my unRAID system, so that I could access *everything* from there, including all my disk shares, which - in theory - I could map to additional drive letters, but what I *really* need to do is to get the network bridging to work correctly, so that my unRAID appears as a proper server in my Windows network.

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The whole idea with having multiple shares is to not try to get access to the root of the NAS.


Next thing - are you sure you need access to cache? The normal route would be to read/write through user shares and have the cache transparently catch and redirect accesses.

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