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Drives damaged. Have most repaired but can I recover from 2 drives missing?


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Hello All,

Okay long story short I lost 7 total drives including parody dirve in a mistake of a power supply. 

 1 of the seven drives was the cache Drive as well. That was covered under warranty. And has been replaced so that leaves six drives mechanical that belong to the unraid server that were needing repair.
I sent the boards from the hard drives off for clone and repair.
Four of those hard drives (one is the parity drive) have been repaired and or cloned and are seen in the unraid server as part of the system of drives. 2 have not been repaired. One being a Western Digital another being a Toshiba the place of repair claims Western digital's are not as forgiving as the other four drives which are Seagate. Now I've sent the cards off with the drives this time being cards off good working drives. In hopes they could use to repair my 2 old drives. The week after they've had them I get an email saying hard drives have a head problem do you have other donor drives?
I have not responded to that yet thought I would ask you guys the situation it's a 2 terabyte and a 5 terabyte the 2tb has been in system a very long time 5 terabytes probably been in the system since 2015 which is not an awful long time but they very well could be filled up.
So not really sure what the chances are of getting a hard drive repaired when you have to deal with the heads or if they're just trying to milk me for money? I know the chances are slim probably in getting both of them repaired and I know if I could just get one repaired I could probably rebuild the one drive with Unraid rebuild but how bad is it if I can't get either one repaired have I lost all the data of what those two drives had or is there any kind of a slim chance of being able to recover any of that information?
Or you're probably going to tell me had I had dual parity in there that I could have recovered both drives without the repair of them. 
Thank you all for reading over this I know it's a lot of information I tried to shorten it. If you have any thoughts of what might help or just tell me I'm screwed or if you have a recommendation on really getting the drives repaired.
Thank you,
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3 hours ago, Splatman2 said:

but how bad is it if I can't get either one repaired have I lost all the data of what those two drives had or is there any kind of a slim chance of being able to recover any of that information?


With 2 missing drives and single parity there's no chance of recovering any data from either.

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10 hours ago, Splatman2 said:

Four of those hard drives (one is the parity drive) have been repaired and or cloned and are seen in the unraid server as part of the system of drives


If data disk mount ( file system ), then it should have writing in it. So parity already invalid.

I doubt repair the 2TB disk for rebuild the 5TB disk may not be that easy.


But you may try recover the last 3TB content of the 5TB disk first base on hand disks  ( First 2TB can't recover due to missing the 2TB drive ).

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