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Cache drive unmountable: No pool uuid


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Hey guys, I found some info on the subject on the forum but not quite what I was looking for.


I had a single cache drive formatted as XFS. I tried adding a second cache drive in slot 2, but now I get "Unmountable: No pool uuid", even after removing the second cache drive.


I read that the default file system for cache drives is BTFRS. Could it be why I can't mount it anymore?


Not sure what to do at this point. I don't want to lose the data I have on the cache drive (because I have more than cache data).



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  • 1 year later...

hey all i'm adding extra disks to my cache and i'm getting this error. i have tried to set the single drive to either auto or xfs but as soon as i add more the 1st one i get the uuid error. no matter what config and with what disks i get this problem.. i can even go back to a single drive and it will be fine no more uuid error 


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  • 6 months later...

Constant issues with both cache devices:


Dec 30 10:58:35 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#8755 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:35 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#8755 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:35 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#9481 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:35 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#9481 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:36 Jupiter emhttpd: Starting services...
Dec 30 10:58:36 Jupiter emhttpd: shcmd (12): /etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart
Dec 30 10:58:36 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#440 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:36 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#440 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:36 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#2735 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:36 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#2735 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:36 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#9881 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:36 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#9881 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#681 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:1:0: [sdd] tag#681 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#2356 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#2356 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#5899 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#5899 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#8823 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#8823 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#1173 Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
Dec 30 10:58:37 Jupiter kernel: sd 9:0:3:0: [sdf] tag#1173 ASC=0x1c ASCQ=0x2


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I formatted both sdd in the chache pool. It doesn't sat "Formatted with type 1 protection" anymore but still no changes. Are the drives failing? They pass the test with no errors.


root@Jupiter:~# smartctl -a /dev/sdd
smartctl 7.0 2018-12-30 r4883 [x86_64-linux-4.19.88-Unraid] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-18, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Vendor:               HGST
Product:              HSCAC2DA2SUN1.6T
Revision:             A29A
Compliance:           SPC-4
User Capacity:        1,600,321,314,816 bytes [1.60 TB]
Logical block size:   512 bytes
Physical block size:  4096 bytes
LU is resource provisioned, LBPRZ=1
Rotation Rate:        Solid State Device
Form Factor:          2.5 inches
Logical Unit id:      0x5000cca0536dc108
Serial number:        001652J9B5TA        09WYB5TA
Device type:          disk
Transport protocol:   SAS (SPL-3)
Local Time is:        Mon Dec 30 19:42:36 2019 MST
SMART support is:     Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is:     Enabled
Temperature Warning:  Enabled

SMART Health Status: OK

Percentage used endurance indicator: 0%
Current Drive Temperature:     28 C
Drive Trip Temperature:        70 C

Manufactured in week 52 of year 2016
Specified cycle count over device lifetime:  0
Accumulated start-stop cycles:  0
Specified load-unload count over device lifetime:  0
Accumulated load-unload cycles:  0
Vendor (Seagate Cache) information
  Blocks sent to initiator = 459653909583871

Error counter log:
           Errors Corrected by           Total   Correction     Gigabytes    Total
               ECC          rereads/    errors   algorithm      processed    uncorrected
           fast | delayed   rewrites  corrected  invocations   [10^9 bytes]  errors
read:          0        0         0         0          0       1654.682           0
write:         0        0         0         0          0       4871.432           0

Non-medium error count:        0

SMART Self-test log
Num  Test              Status                 segment  LifeTime  LBA_first_err [SK ASC ASQ]
     Description                              number   (hours)
# 1  Background long   Completed                   -    7188                 - [-   -    -]
# 2  Background long   Aborted (device reset ?)    9    7184                 - [-   -    -]
# 3  Background short  Completed                   -    7182                 - [-   -    -]
# 4  Background short  Completed                   -    7182                 - [-   -    -]
# 5  Background short  Completed                   -    7182                 - [-   -    -]

Long (extended) Self-test duration: 11096 seconds [184.9 minutes]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same "Cache drive unmountable: No pool uuid" issue when I tried to add a second cache disk.  Original was formatted XFS.  Error occurred when I started the array after choosing two slots and added the second drive.


Now I notice the option to format as XFS is gone and only BTRFS is available.  Also I can't change slots back to 1 and just go back to the old configuration.  Is there a way to revert back?


Does this mean I cannot have XFS formatted cache drives and must have BTRFS if I want cache protection?


While googling I saw others had mentioned issues with BTRFS and recommended XFS.  Looks like that's where my screwup was?

Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.46.56 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-01-11 at 9.46.19 AM.png


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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone;

I have an issue here and i am really hoping someone will be able to help.



I following the video from space invaders on how to encrpt an unassigned drive by stopping the array - remove the cache drive (pool of 2) and add the UD into the cache slot then select XFS Encrypt and start the array, etc..


I placed the 2 cache drives back in their spots and changed the file system back to btrfs and when i started i array i now get an error

Unmountable: No pool uuid

Device is part of a cache pool


I have also attached my diag logs.


Thank you!



Edited by iptvcld
Remove zio
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hmm; and the whole goal here was just to format one of my UD as XFS-Encrypt (which i did). Too bad there is not an easier way to format a drive that is not in the array as encrypted.  This resorted me to swapping the cache and format my UD drive and now - 2 wiped cache drives..

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