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Can't create new USB after failure


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My unRAID server did not come up after a reboot (6.4 --> 6.4.1). Looking at the USB, it looked weired - scrambled directory- and file-names.


1. Try: Did a fresh Format of the USB and did UNZIP a backup taken with the unRAID backup tool to that USB. Call make_bootable.bat as ADMIN --> error syslinux not found.


2. Try: Did a fresh Format of the USB and did copy the server software from the LimeTech website to that USB: Call make_bootable.bat as ADMIN with UEFI=yes --> error  Writing MBR: Zugriff verweigert


3. Try: Did a fresh Format of the USB and did copy the server software from the LimeTech website to that USB: Call make_bootable.bat as ADMIN with UEFI=no --> error  Writing MBR: Zugriff verweigert 


Hmm. At that point I'm lost. The server is down after the upgrade to 6.4.1, can't install my backup take with unRAID and can't install a new server package.


This is the first time since many years that I need to create an USB for unRAID. What am I doing wrong?


Many thanks in advance.



Thanks for your fast answer.


CHKDSK did report uncorrectable errors on the USB, but it seems to be ok after the Format.


Try 4: Did download the USB creator tool from the website. Did format the USB, USB creator tool reported success on that USB drive. What files and directories do I need to copy from the backup ZIP (taken with the flash backup tool)? This backup is from 6.4.0. On the newly created flash is 6.4.1. I don't want to overwrite parts of the OS. 


Am I missing something? I thought the backup tool would create something that I can place on the flash without <ahem> thinking ;-)



The only folder you need to copy over is /config. This folder holds all configuration.


The USB tool can restore a previous backup which is created from the GUI. See Main -> Flash -> Flash Backup.


Ah, thanks. Did copy /config/ and server comes up again. Many thanks for your fast help.


Did look around on this USB Creator Tool but did not find an option to load an existing backup on that flash. Must be my old eyes.


Oh, wait, "load local ZIP" is the backup? And not a server ZIP? OMG, should be renamed ASAP to load local backup ...



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