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Re-adding parity drive with known correct data


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You can try a new config and this time leave the old disk5 assigned as is, instead of trying to emulate it, so just these steps:


-Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply
-assign missing disk(s), you can also assign parity1 this time

-check "parity is already valid", though it isn't, but just so that it doens't start a sync
-start the array


If the old disk 5 still unmountable post new diags.

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Hi @johnnie.black update to the situation.


Parity check completed and corrected errors, tested some media from drive 5 and it seemed OK, one or two not working but I don't know if they ever worked, or if this rebuilding messed it up.


Attempted to do the btrfs scrum like you suggested but it didn't seem to run, so i tried it on other drives and it ran fine. Thinking it may be a temp error I rebooted my server and upon boot was greeted by the unmountable: no file system error for drive 5 again :(


I find it odd that it is reporting this after successfully playing media from it so presumably the FS was OK (ish) before the reboot. DO you have any possible advice, or is it seeming like a reformat and redo the FS for disk5?




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The filesystem is corrupt, and it's kind of expected since you had mentioned that the drive had been partially rebuilt before, you can try the options on the FAQ post below to recover your data, but for first two and if they work you'll need a new disk to copy the data to, or you could for example temporarily unassign and use parity2, but test first and if either works then decide on the best option, btrfs restore is probably your best hope and the 3rd option should only be used as a last resort, and it's not very likely to work with the type of corruption the disk has.




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Hi @johnnie.black


The 2nd option has beenr unning for a while now and all seemed good, data being recovered at 5TB so far out of the 8TB that existed on there. Just had an unexpected power outage and my UPS didn't kick in for long enough causing the server to reboot. Is there any way to resume the restore or do I have to wipe the recovered 5TB and start again?



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Thant's a huge relief, I'll do that now. Side question, during the restore sometimes it says it is looping on a file and gives me an y/N/a option, I have been doing Y and testing the file and all seems fine, is there a way to get it to just to yes for everything?


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