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moving existing data onto new Unraid Build


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So I am planning on moving to unraid, but need to make sure I can move my data. I currently have a windows 10 PC that is used as a HTPC for Plex media streaming. How would I go about moving all my movies & tv shows to a new unraid system that is on a Windows OS hard drive?

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I guess either way would be fine. I am converting the windows 10 PC into a unraid system I just want to make sure I move all my data over without losing anything. I have more hard drives I am going to setup to the unraid. but I need to move over this 6tb of data somehow.

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Hijacking this thread as I am into this situation. And I don't want to create a new thread the could be a duplicate.


Developers of unRaid, I face a big problem with the unRaid system when transferring data from old MacOS formatted HDDs to the unRaid.

As I already made a post here. I currently:

  1. Plug in a USB3 post, directly, my external hard drive
  2. I ssh to unraid, and I run this command:
    root@Tower:/mnt/user/unRaidFolder# rsync -avhE --remove-source-files /mnt/disks/externalHDD/folderToSave/ .


  3. Then when the system encounters an file system error, it ALWAYS ends up in a devastating 
    Segmentation fault


This segfault ALWAYS causes a kernel problem (both with the previous 6.3 and now with 6.4). This blocks EVERYTHING on unraid. I cannot stop the Array, I cannot safely powerdown or reboot. Nothing works. I always ends up having to push the power button of my tower manually to force a shutdown, that is followed by a parity check of 15hours where I don't want to transfer anymore data in the meanwhile.


I ran memtest86+ for 24h on the unRaid and it encountered 0 issues btw. So not a hardware problem. But a software one.


The only alternative I have is to plug this external HDD into an old mac laptop I have and run the rsync command from there. It never encounters any problem from this situation for some reason... (But I don't like doing that cuz my router isn't GB so it is slower, and my mac is old and just randomly reboots.).


Now my question is:


What is the official, proper and safer way to transfer files from old HDDs to a new unRaid?


Bonus question: I have a 250GB cache (2xM2 SSDs, raid 1), Sometimes I do not wish to use the cache to transfer files cuz it's a lot of files at once and it uses the whole cache in less than 30mins while there is maybe a TB of data to transfer. From the question above, is there a parameter to add to skip the cache? Or should I force my share to don't use the cache in the meanwhile?

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