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Telly container


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I would also love to see someone or even the very awesome unraid docker builders linuxserver.io port to Unraid in a user friendly way.  Would be great to be able to use any IPTV m3u to feed into plex with their upcoming grid guides, correct channel identification and epg. 


It does seem promising, the dev on Reddit messaged me and told me the update tonight should allow for URL support of the m3u file, still hoping someone can make a clean unraid container, but the Telly itself sounds very very promising for a perfect use.   Definitely interested in where it goes.  Can someone interpret how to properly place the commands and variables on the current docker available?  What should go where in order to make it work in unraid properly?  I dont fully understand that. 


Just to make it a little simpler, here is the config I am using right now and it is working as expected.  Again there is probably a way to pass the arguments via the variables but I could not get it to work, hopefully somebody here can build a proper container and get it listed in the Apps by Squid.  I think there was some mention that there might be a new docker coming from the original developer so all commits get automatically updated... still waiting for it under tombowditch/telly



2018-02-17 11_42_16-dserver_UpdateContainer.jpg


Porkie was able to take good part of that configuration, the only thing missing was adding a path for /tmp to a directory either in appdata or on a user share which is where Telly is supposed to download the m3u file when using an URL.   That part still I think is a work in progress.  


What we could not figure out that you perhaps may know, is how to possibly run the sed commands that they mention in GitHub on this container?   Do you have any idea where they would go, or how to insert them in case it is needed to parse the m3u url?


I actually took the easy road and just used the .m3u file, I know it's possible that the playlist changes, but unfortunately even if it does, you would still have to manually map any channel changes in Plex anyway.  I think they were at least looking at providing some kind of notification if there where channel changes when reading the URL and let the user know somehow.

Again, on the easy road, and I am somewhat fluent in linux/bsd, I just used the notepad++ windows app and did a simple find and replace on my .m3u file to fix what I needed. 

Just a guess, I am still pretty new to the whole docker/container thing, but hopefully they could incorporate a flag or variable to pass the sed commands customized to each user's needs in the container itself.  This stuff is all pretty new and I am already impressed with how quickly it is moving.  


Hey all


Glad to see you're all liking telly. I'm the dev - couple of nice updates coming up


- Docker builds will be automated & on my own Docker cloud account: https://hub.docker.com/r/tombowditch/telly/

- The sed command will no longer be required


A couple guys on the Discord have been poking me to see about getting telly on unraid properly, as I've never really (shamelessly!) used Unraid; what's required & is it even possible?




Pretty much works perfect for me now using Tom's docker hub and template.  In Unraid just add the template url to the Main page and then using Squid's App's plugin, search for telly and then make sure to enable docker hub for more results.  Input the the paths and variables and you are in business.  I think the only official thing to do to make it Unraid official is to have it listed with Squid's App plugin and maybe get it's own support page on Unraid.  Thanks for all your work Tom!  

5 hours ago, Porkie said:

Admin could we move this post to the correct section, my apologies for posting in the wrong section.

I would move it except I don't think it really qualifies as a docker support thread. Is anyone going to take responsibility for it?


I think Tombowditch was going to create a new topic with the title: [Support] Telly - IPTV on Plex Live TV 


Then have that one moved to the support section since he will be the owner and he is the creator and dev of the app. 


I think he will do that tomorrow when he is back, then can you move that thread over to the right section?


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