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Unmountable- unsupported partition after unraid upgrade


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That sometimes happens with cache devices but it shouln't happen it array devices, what version did you update from? If you downgrade does it mount correctly?


P.S. you can downgrade by copying the files on the previous flash drive folder to the flash root overwriting existing ones and rebooting.

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I unfortunately upgraded over the internet by clicking the upgrade banner that showed upon the website. I can't recall which version I had before, but it was likely the previous version of the software. Is there a way I can downgrade since I did it that way instead of copying over files?

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Well, I do see a strange error I didn't notice on v6.4, thout it's also there:


Feb 10 08:10:27 Alaska emhttp: err: ckmbr: open: /dev/sdb1 No such file or directory

sdb is disk3, not sure what this error is about though, looks like a mbr problem, can you post the output of:


sfdisk -l /dev/sdb



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Sure this is what I saw:


Disk /dev/sdb: 2.7 TiB, 3000592982016 bytes, 5860533168 sectors

Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes

Disklabel type: gpt

Disk identifier: 3D911163-D53C-43C3-9EE3-FE9CD80ABDEA


Device     Start        End    Sectors  Size Type

/dev/sdb1     64 5860533134 5860533071  2.7T Linux filesystem

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Partition looks normal but there's probably something wrong with mbr, since disk3 hasn't much data and it would fit on the other disks, I would recommend moving all data to disks 1 and 2 (careful here, don't move from disk to share, move from disk to disk or use for example the unbalance plugin), then update do v6.4.1 and format disk3, then you can move the data back or just leave it as is.


If you don't do this now you'll most certainly have the same problem when you update again, even if it's to a newer release since there were changes made to what unRAID considers a valid partition on the 6.4betas releases and that's unlikely to change.

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Thanks, I tried using unbalance and I received an error that recommended I run the "docker safe new permissions" command. I ran Tools => Docker Safe New Params a few times but I still get the same unbalance error. Is there more forceful way to run it this? I can tell that they are folders I manually copied stuff to about 6 months ago so I bet I was responsible for the permissions being a little screwy.


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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to resurrect a dead post but I was able to successfully upgrade to the latest unraid and run for a month. After shutting down the system to move it, I am getting the same error again "unmountable: Unsupported partition layout unraid". This persists even if I downgrade to the unraid version that previously worked.


Could anyone help me figure out what is going on? Thanks so much!

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5 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

You're getting the original error again did you reformat the disk or wasn't necessary?

I did not reformat the disk. The original error occurred because I upgraded unraid version and there was an issue with permissions on one disk ( because I copied stuff manually onto the disk, most likely.) The solution which allowed me to upgrade to the latest unraid, was to use unbalance and move everything off the drive in question and only once it was all off, format that disk and then upgrade.


I am getting the same error now even when I use the old version, which I previously was able to use unbalance with. 

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I did not reformat the disk.


format that disk and then upgrade.


Which is it?


If you already formatted it once it's possible there's a problem with that disk, though it's a strange error, unassign the disk and start the array, the emulated disk should mount normally, then rebuild to a new disk.



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Sorry for the confusion Johnnie, I moved everything off the drive and then formatted it.


So it sounds like I should format the disk and then use the parity to reconstruct whatever was on that disk, right? What are the steps to do that? I want to make sure that if I format the disk that unraid will use the parity to reconstruct the data that was on there instead of just updating the parity drive to reflect an empty drive there. 

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Whenever unRAID reconstructs the contents of a drive, it totally ignores any formatting you have done. It will reconstruct to whatever matches the state by the parity and the other data disks. unRAID parity operates on block devices and not on files in file systems.

This also means that if there is an error in a file system, then the reconstruction will recreate that error. And is also the reason why you need to perform any file system repair on md devices so that the file system repair gets represented by the parity state.

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So it sounds like I should format the disk and then use the parity to reconstruct whatever was on that disk, right?

If you format the disk now parity will be updated to reflect that and any data on that disk lost.


If you already formatted the disk once and the issue came back, I would suggest replacing it, though I'm not certain the disk is the problem it's good to rule it out, so you just would do a standard disk replace and rebuild, keep old disk intact for now.



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2 hours ago, pwm said:

Whenever unRAID reconstructs the contents of a drive, it totally ignores any formatting you have done.

This seems a little unclear as a response to whether the user should format the disk.


coherent, as johnnie explained, if you format the disk then a rebuild from parity will result in a formatted disk.


"Format" means "write an empty filesystem to this disk". That is what it has always meant in every operating system you have ever used. unRAID treats this write of an empty filesystem just as it does any other write, by updating parity. So parity would agree that the disk was formatted (empty filesystem) and that is what you would get if you rebuilt after formatting.

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Thanks guys! I think I did the correct procedure. I didn't explicitly format the drive, but I removed the drive from the array and then started it up. I could see the contents of that removed drive so then I stopped the array and added back the disk (without a format). When I started it back up it says that it's doing a data rebuild and after letting it go for a few hours I can see that the disk in question has about a million writes to it. Hopefully I just have to wait for it to finish and I'll be in good shape.


Thanks guys!


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