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USB input irq status flooding the logs.

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Hey guys!


After updating to 6.4.1 from 6.3.5 my UPS has started to flood the logs with an error saying:


Mar  1 09:36:33 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received

This is repeated about 15 times a second until I unplug it and reconnect my UPS. Then it stops doing so for a day or two before it continues to throw this error.

My UPS is still detected by Unraid when this error occurs.


I got a PowerWalker VI 2200 SH which is actually not supported by apcupsd and I've been using the NUT plugin for it, but after I got a warranty replacement for it. The new UPS doesn't work in NUT but is detected by apcupsd which is really weird. This worked without issues with apcupsd in 6.3.5 and didn't throw any erros until I updated Unraid.


For some reason the diagnostics doesn't want to capture the up to date logs, so there's a manually cut snippet from just now when I disconnected the UPS and reconnected it:


Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:18 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:19 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:19 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:19 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:19 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:19 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:19 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: input irq status -75 received
Mar 1 09:59:19 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-1: USB disconnect, device number 3
Mar 1 09:59:27 UnRaid kernel: usb 10-2: new low-speed USB device number 4 using xhci_hcd
Mar 1 09:59:27 UnRaid kernel: hid-generic 0003:06DA:FFFF.0003: hiddev96,hidraw0: USB HID v1.00 Device [PPC Offline UPS] on usb-0000:05:00.0-2/input0
Mar 1 09:59:29 UnRaid apcupsd[12353]: Communications with UPS restored.
Mar 1 09:59:30 UnRaid sSMTP[12612]: Creating SSL connection to host
Mar 1 09:59:30 UnRaid sSMTP[12612]: SSL connection using ****
Mar 1 09:59:33 UnRaid sSMTP[12612]: Sent mail for *** (***) uid=0 username=root outbytes=709



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  • 2 months later...
6 hours ago, John_M said:

Do you have it connected to a USB 3.0 (USB 3.1 Gen 1) port? Do you have a USB 2.0 port that you can try?


Hi @John_M,


It was, I've gone ahead and switched it to a USB 2.0 port now.


Hopefully that solves it!



Tom :)



Edited by tombonez
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21 minutes ago, SelfSD said:

I have not been able to solve it.


Why don't you update your BIOS?



Version 22012015/05/073.23 MBytes

Crosshair V Formula-Z BIOS 2201
Enhance compatibility with some USB devices.


You should also update unRAID. Version 6.5.2 is available and has a newer kernel.

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19 minutes ago, John_M said:

Why don't you update your BIOS?


The motherboard is running the latest BIOS unless I installed the wrong board when I built the server. I'll take a look in a moment.


Update: Yup. I picked the wrong board... I have 3 of these motherboards and only two of them were updated and had been used.


19 minutes ago, John_M said:

You should also update unRAID. Version 6.5.2 is available and has a newer kernel.


I wasn't aware there was a new release out! My server never notified me about an update. I'll get right on that too.


Thank you.

Edited by SelfSD
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  • 2 years later...

I never solved it. Turned everything I could off, back on, back off and so on. No change. With 6.9 since Beta 25 it became less frequent like you are seeing but still happened.


Now I'm on a new build so I can't comment further on the issue unfortunately.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, I am having the same problem for a while and nothing works, so I wrote a script to delete this annoying issue.
This is my script.

cd /var/log/
grep -v "input irq status" syslog.5 syslog.4 syslog.3 syslog.2 syslog.1 syslog >> tempfile 
diff <(tail -n 15 syslog) <(tail -n 15 tempfile) 1>/dev/null
if [[ $? == "0" ]]
  echo "The same"
  rm syslog.*
  echo "Not the same"
diff <(tail -n 15 syslog) <(tail -n 15 tempfile)
if [[ $? == "0" ]]
  echo "The same"
  mv tempfile syslog
  rm tempfile
  echo "Not the same"
echo "Done"

I know it is kinda stupid, but if it will work it won't be stupid xD. This is not my final version of script but while I was testing it I had ran into problem.

My problem is after this scrpit is done unraid stops write anything to log. Logs are freezed and not work. This happend when I modify syslog file. However I notice that when I was using this script for only syslog.2 and syslog.1 without syslog, everything was fine; the logs were working and the lines with error was deleted. So maybe someone can help me find out how to make logs work after script is done or maybe someone know where is the problem.

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I've found a solution for my problem and now everything is working fine. 

So this is working script which I wrote to solve this issue with UPS, feel free to try it out.

cd /var/log/
status=$(grep -h -c "input irq status" syslog)
if [ $status -ge 1 ];
  echo "Stoping log service..."
  /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd stop
  grep -h -v "input irq status" syslog.5 syslog.4 syslog.3 syslog.2 syslog.1 syslog >> tempfile 
  diff <(tail -n 15 syslog) <(tail -n 15 tempfile) 1>/dev/null
  if [[ $? == "0" ]]
    echo "The same"
    rm syslog.*
    echo "Not the same"
  diff <(tail -n 15 syslog) <(tail -n 15 tempfile)
  if [[ $? == "0" ]]
    echo "The same"
    mv tempfile syslog
    echo "Not the same"
  /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd start
  echo "There is no issue"
echo "Done"


Edited by Mr.xs
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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