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CA fix common problems extended test found dupes


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Results show this:


The following user shares will be excluded from the permissions tests:
Processing /mnt/user/appdata
Processing /mnt/user/Backups
Processing /mnt/user/Data
Processing /mnt/user/domains
Processing /mnt/user/Downloads
Processing /mnt/user/isos
Processing /mnt/user/Media
Processing /mnt/user/system

The following files exist within the same folder on more than one disk. This duplicated file means that only the version on the lowest numbered disk will be readable, and the others are only going to confuse unRaid and take up excess space:
THEN BUNCH of files
Directories Scanned: 138957 Files Scanned: 282951
How do I go about fixing this?
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If you don't know how it happened, you need to investigate to find the cause so you don't do it again.


Once you figure that out, you can either manually pick through the files one by one and delete the unnecessary copy, or rename if they aren't actually copies but just have the same name and you want to keep both, or use a dupe finder program to do some of the heavy lifting.


In all cases, you need to start your education by investigating the user share system, and how it shows you what's actually on each of the disks by combining all the root folders on each disk into a single user share per unique root folder name.

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1 hour ago, jonathanm said:

If you don't know how it happened, you need to investigate to find the cause so you don't do it again.


Once you figure that out, you can either manually pick through the files one by one and delete the unnecessary copy, or rename if they aren't actually copies but just have the same name and you want to keep both, or use a dupe finder program to do some of the heavy lifting.


In all cases, you need to start your education by investigating the user share system, and how it shows you what's actually on each of the disks by combining all the root folders on each disk into a single user share per unique root folder name.


I will start to look into this.  Do you happen to know off hand where CA writes the extended log file?

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