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Parity & Data disk failure


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unRAID server 6.4.0 (edit)



Hello, I had a catastrophic motherboard failure.  In the process my Parity disk & one of my data disks (of 6) now no longer even spin up.  Other than buying two more drives & completely starting over, is there any hope of recovering any data from the remaining 5 data drives?

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1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:

There should be no problem recovering data from the other drives, just do a new config, assign them all as data disks with or without a new parity disk.

Will the shares come back as well, or do I have to rebuild them?

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22 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Shares will be back, they are all the top folders, if you're using the old flash drive the share settings will be kept, if a new one you'll need to reconfig split level, allocation method, etc.

Thanks for the info johnnie, just one more question, should I use the reset function or start anew as if I never had an unRAID server before?

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