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Drive marked errored, is fine.


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Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sdy1
Will put log info to 'stdout'

Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes
reiserfsck --check started at Thu Mar 22 09:35:36 2018
Replaying journal: Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342456, desc 971, len 1, commit 973, next trans offset 956
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342457, desc 974, len 1, commit 976, next trans offset 959
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342458, desc 977, len 1, commit 979, next trans offset 962
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342459, desc 980, len 1, commit 982, next trans offset 965
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342460, desc 983, len 1, commit 985, next trans offset 968
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342461, desc 986, len 1, commit 988, next trans offset 971
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342462, desc 989, len 9, commit 999, next trans offset 982
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342463, desc 1000, len 2, commit 1003, next trans offset 986
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342464, desc 1004, len 7, commit 1012, next trans offset 995
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342465, desc 1013, len 1, commit 1015, next trans offset 998
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342466, desc 1016, len 1, commit 1018, next trans offset 1001
Trans replayed: mountid 445, transid 342467, desc 1019, len 1, commit 1021, next trans offset 1004
Replaying journal: Done.
Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdy1' in blocks [18..8211]: 12 transactions replayed
Checking internal tree..  finished
Comparing bitmaps..finished
Checking Semantic tree:
No corruptions found
There are on the filesystem:
        Leaves 930405
        Internal nodes 5910
        Directories 13601
        Other files 167562
        Data block pointers 919066600 (235796 of them are zero)
        Safe links 0
reiserfsck finished at Thu Mar 22 12:47:09 2018

Drive marked as bad, now not assigned. Ran reiserfsck on it, comes back clean.

How do I insert it back into the array? Will it have to rebuild?

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Diagnostics are after reboot, so we can't see what happened to disk16, SMART looks good, and it's connected to a SAS2LP, these can sometimes drop disks without an apparent reason.


You'll need to rebuild the disk, to the old disk after checking that the emulated disk contents look OK, or to be safer in case something goes wrong during the rebuild, to a new disk.

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Ok, I've put in a new drive, rebuilt, everything is fine. 

Now another, older 3TB drive is failing and I'd like to swap this 4TB (since there's nothing wrong with it). 

Is there anything special I have to do, since unRAID previously "knew" this drive in a different slot?

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2 minutes ago, Tophicles said:

Now another, older 3TB drive is failing and I'd like to swap this 4TB (since there's nothing wrong with it). 


"failing" means many things to many people. If you want us to take a look at the disk post your diagnostics.


If you just want to get on with upsizing the 3TB using the 4TB then just assign the 4TB to the slot the 3TB is in and rebuild.


6 minutes ago, Tophicles said:

Is there anything special I have to do, since unRAID previously "knew" this drive in a different slot?


After you started the previous rebuild without that old 4TB disk, unRAID forgot all about it.

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