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Restore config file?


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Hey Guys,


I've got a big problem! I removed an old drive (500 GB) from the array (stopped the array etc.), after that it shows some errors and I found a post which said to create a new config. 


That's what I've done, I created a new config and that is the point where my problem started. In the main tab all my drives are gone and I have to reassign them into the cache, array etc. and this will remove all my files (red error message in the right corner) but I want my old running system.


Is there anyway to do this? Is there a way to grap my old config and restore it?


Thank you for your help!

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1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:

New config doesn't delete any data, just make sure you re-assign them to the correct slots, especially the parity disk, you'll then need to re-sync parity.

Thank you so much! I will test this later and give you a feedback :). 

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I took a screenshot, I re-assign all drives and I'm scared to start the array because the error " All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started" shows up. So what does this mean to me? Do I have to reinstall all dockers and plugins?


Sorry this is a new scenario for me :/.


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5 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Parity will be re-synced at array start, and it's needed since you removed a disk, but data on the array disks will remain unchanged.


Oh man Johnnie I thank you so much!!!! Everythink works fine <3. You saved my day!!!

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It is worth pointing out that when you do a New Config there is an option to leave current assignments in place (but not yet committed).     You can then return to the Main tab and make any changes you want (in this case removing a drive).    The drive settings then get committed when you start the array.   This is less error-prone than assigning all drives from scratch.

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