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Failed drive, what to do?


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No - you do not want to risk corrupting parity!    As you only have a single good parity disk at this time you want to minimise the chance of another disk erroring.


Most of the time a red ‘x’ does not mean that the disk has failed - merely that a write to it failed so unRAID stopped using it.    The vast majority of the time this is due to an external factor such as cabling or controller issues.   As an example the parity2 drive looks fine according to its SMART report so it may be that it could be put back into operation simply by rebuilding parity on it.


Regarding disk2 there is no proper SMART report for it in the diagnostics so it could just have dropped offline rather than really failed..   Rebooting the system and getting new diagnostics might help decide if this is the case.   If it has failed do you have a disk to replace it with?   Do you have backups if there turns out to be a problem with recovering the disk?

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46 minutes ago, karlpox said:

The parity2 seems not functioning after the cable swap. probably damaged, cant do smart test on the drive as well.

Forgot to mention, parity2 has SMART disable, but SMART looks fine on the previous diags, except for the UDMA CRC errors, so if you already replaced the SATA cable you can re-sync it at the same time as you replace disk2.

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