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Loving unRAID!


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I am here to say hello to the unRAID community and tell you my sorry woeful tale of how I ended up here...

I had the painful experience of recently having my Asustor NAS die whilst running a standing upgrade with the ultimate prize of having a NAS server that wouldn't boot into Grub.  Simple me thinks that Asustor must have had this issue a thousand times or more and it would be an easy fix.  Nope...  after some basic unhelpful tips from my support call and then being ignored for over a week they finally gave me a rubbish USB-DOM repair disk that did nothing.  I decided to try and fix it myself.  I checked the disks and ran boot-repair which fixed a bunch of issues but it didn't detect that my USB-DOM had grub installed...  I couldn't seemingly repair grub on it either and I couldn't flash it because Asustor won''t provide an image to use.  I managed to get access to my RAID 6 partition from a USB linux boot disk pretty easily, retrieved the last couple of months of unbacked up data (always back up guys and gals!) and looked for an alternative.

So my journey led me to this thread from fellow forum member Videodr0me: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/42322-unraid-on-asustor-hardware-as5110t/ and I realised that I had a solid second option....  unRAID...  I was skeptical at first, how could this product be better than something from ASUS (which to be honest isn''t that great in introspection).  I tried the demo, looked great... so I bit the bullet and bought the license after 30 minutes of picking around the system.   I am absolutely amazed at how user friendly it is, how customisable it is, how great the community is and how helpful the forum members are...  although I haven't directly had to request assistance on the forums, the historical threads are amazingly helpful (search is my best buddy).  I love the idea that I can pay for technical support if needed with a "you must be happy" guarantee.   Another thing that won me over was that it wasn't raid...  I could lose both my parity disks and then a third and still have retrievable data...  The community apps plugin and all the dockers are wonderful...  A month into my unRAID journey I have a better NAS than before with all of the apps I wanted plus lots more I didn't realise I wanted.  The best part?  If it fails, I have you guys here to assist me.  Suck it, Asustor.

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My path was a Thecus device nearly 10 years ago, WHS V1, Unraid V4.7, Unraid V5, WHS2011 (For a short period) then back to Unraid 6.


I used WHS2011 as I was very much more comfortable with Windows than Linux, but that has swung the other way in the last few years........

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On 7/2/2018 at 11:16 PM, CHBMB said:
My path was a Thecus device nearly 10 years ago, WHS V1, Unraid V4.7, Unraid V5, WHS2011 (For a short period) then back to Unraid 6.
I used WHS2011 as I was very much more comfortable with Windows than Linux, but that has swung the other way in the last few years........

I've heard you swing both ways@chbmb lol

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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