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How often do I have to run SSD TRIM?


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Is there any disadvantage of running it hourly.


I have a Samsung 250GB 860 EVO and I have about 120 Gigs on the cache drive free after Appdata, VMs, and stuff, the only shares I have caching turned on is for lightroom imports and Plex Transcodes.

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4 minutes ago, BRiT said:

How much do you use your cache drive for writes?

It's very sporadic, most of writes happen when I do a lightroom import which might happen once in a fortnight (about 80GB) and couple times a year I might do 300GB imports other than that it's a couple of transcoded Plex streams a day.

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No need to trim often if you aren't constantly reusing the free space of the drive.


With 120 GB free, you could figure out how long it takes you to write 10-60 GB and use that as a reasonable trim interval. But it doesn't sound like you need hourly trims - once/night should most probably handle your needs.

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11 hours ago, pwm said:

No need to trim often if you aren't constantly reusing the free space of the drive.


With 120 GB free, you could figure out how long it takes you to write 10-60 GB and use that as a reasonable trim interval. But it doesn't sound like you need hourly trims - once/night should most probably handle your needs.

Thank you for the reply, but what are the ill effects of TRIM, what am I losing if TRIM is done hourly, how long does TRIM take? 

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1 minute ago, Koshy said:

Thank you for the reply, but what are the ill effects of TRIM, what am I losing if TRIM is done hourly, how long does TRIM take? 


How long it takes depends on the drive. On one hand how quickly the drive acknowledges the command and on the other hand how large band of sectors that can be accepted in a single trim command. The OS also have to scan the free allocation lists for the file system to figure out what ranges to report as not in use.


For a normal system where you don't have hard real-time requirements, you would probably not notice when the system performs the trim.

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