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Upgrade from v5 to v6


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I am a longtime UnRaid user currently running UnRaid Sever Pro 5.0.5.  As a firm "if it ain't broke, don't fix type of guy", I have avoided upgrading to v6 but it has a feature that really want: dual parity.  I have over 20 Tb of data and I am really paranoid of a failure.
That being said, I use my server for one purpose: storing media files and the database for XBMC/Kodi clients.  So I need to make really sure that some form of mysql works before upgrading.  Thus, I need to be sure that I can revert to my current version/setup if I have trouble with v6.  After I get it running, I will start replacing disks, adding the new parity disk, etc.


Assuming that I want to be able to quickly (within a day) revert to my current setup, I will be using this guide:
and I still have a couple of questions.


1. In preparing the flash drive, we are told "we strongly recommend re-formatting!".  I assume this means to reformat on a PC to a FAT32 file system. Why?  The drive is already formatted and the only reason to reformat would be if it was damaged.


2. I ran the "New Permissions" command after upgrading to v5. All my files are "-rw-rw-rw nobody users". Do I really need to run it again? 


3. I assume that if I don't reformat or add any disks to the array, that v6 will not do anything to prevent a downgrade?


4. I have a cache disk, will it be reformatted automatically to XFS?  Should I remove it before I upgrade to insure that I can downgrade later?


Thanks for your help.

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Dual parity may not be 100% successful in cases where you lose a drive or two simultaneously, because failing hard drives can cause controller lock-ups and other inconsistencies which may in turn negatively affect your otherwise healthy drives.


Once any healthy drive gets bad bits written to it in the throes of disk failure, parity is no longer of any use to you in rebuilding when you replace your failed drive(s).


I'd suggest you get a functional backup running for the data you consider most important (the Kodi/database stuff, at least) then just follow the upgrade procedures to get to v6.  My own transition was painless. MySQL runs fine on 6, but I do not know how to transfer an existing database to a new server so cannot comment on what troubles may show up there.


Your cache drive ostensibly could (should?) be empty so whether its format gets changed or not during the upgrade is irrelevant with respect to being able to reformat it to work again after a downgrade.  If important data reside on your cache drive, back them up too before you start.



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46 minutes ago, CaptainTivo said:

Did you use mysql or mariadb? 

Flip a coin.  Mariadb however has a smaller footprint


47 minutes ago, CaptainTivo said:

how you set up mysql for Kodi?



You only need to worry about these commands to setup MySql when you get to the part about configuring

Type in: CREATE USER 'kodi' IDENTIFIED BY 'kodi'; and press return
Type in: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'kodi'; and press return
Type in: flush privileges; and press return

Personally, I use MySQL workbench on Windows to execute the commands, but you can also do a 

docker exec -it MySQL        (or whatever its actually called)

and enter in the commands there ( including the mysql -u command)

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2 hours ago, CaptainTivo said:

1. In preparing the flash drive, we are told "we strongly recommend re-formatting!".  I assume this means to reformat on a PC to a FAT32 file system. Why?  The drive is already formatted and the only reason to reformat would be if it was damaged.

The point of the reformat is to get rid of all of the excess crap that v5 plugins, etc may have been storing on it, and which under certain circumstances could get reinstalled and cause havok

2 hours ago, CaptainTivo said:

I ran the "New Permissions" command after upgrading to v5. All my files are "-rw-rw-rw nobody users". Do I really need to run it again? 


2 hours ago, CaptainTivo said:

3. I assume that if I don't reformat or add any disks to the array, that v6 will not do anything to prevent a downgrade?


2 hours ago, CaptainTivo said:

4. I have a cache disk, will it be reformatted automatically to XFS?  Should I remove it before I upgrade to insure that I can downgrade later?


Nothing will be formatted for you automatically.  It IS however highly recommended that you convert your drives (all of them) over from ReiserFS to XFS https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/54769-format-xfs-on-replacement-drive-convert-from-rfs-to-xfs/


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