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Fix stuff being in wrong locations


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"Fix Common Problems" is highlighting two problems which look to be the exact opposites of each other.  I understand what it means but not 100% sure of the best way to go about solving each.


The issues are:



Share appdata set to cache-only, but files / folders exist on the array You should change the share's settings appropriately  or use the dolphin / krusader docker applications to move the offending files accordingly. Note that there are some valid use cases for a set up like this. In particular: THIS
Share Cyberman Time Machine set to not use the cache, but files / folders exist on the cache drive

You should change the share's settings appropriately or use the dolphin / krusader docker applications to move the offending files accordingly. Note that there are some valid use cases for a set up like this. In particular: THIS


For the first one, I have been into Krusader and found the user directory containing each of my shares. I can see an "appdata" directory in there.  How do I get this sorted?  Is it just a case of dragging certain items around?   I'm just a little confused.









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On 7/15/2018 at 8:37 AM, rctneil said:

For the first one, I have been into Krusader and found the user directory containing each of my shares. I can see an "appdata" directory in there.  How do I get this sorted?  Is it just a case of dragging certain items around?   I'm just a little confused.


Because you're confused, I am going to recommend that you not attempt to drag things around. Your screenshot is just showing the appdata user share, and any user share can exist on multiple disks. That configuration of Krusader isn't going to let you fix this. You would need to be able to work directly with each disk. Also, mixing user shares and disks when moving or copying can cause data loss.


So try this instead.


Go to Settings, Docker and disable the Docker Service. Also go to Settings, VM Manager and disable VMs if you have that enabled.


Then go to Shares - User Shares, click on the appdata User Share, and set it to Use cache disk: Prefer


Your Krusader screenshot doesn't mention a User Share named "Cyberman Time Machine" so I'm not sure what that's about. If you go to Shares - User Shares, do you see a User Share with that name? If so, set it to Use cache disk: Yes


After all that, go to Main - Array Operation and click the Move now button.


Wait for Mover to complete.


Then you can set the "Cyberman Time Machine"  back to Use cache disk: No if you want. Leave the appdata share to cache-prefer.


Then enable Docker (and VM if needed) services again.


Rescan with Fix Common Problems should say these things are fixed now.


Let me know if you have any questions.

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