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User Shares appear empty but files are still there


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Hello all,


TL/DR  server had unclean shutdown during file transfer, user share appears empty but files can be accessed through disks and Plex works fine.


I have been using Unraid for about a year now and have yet to run into any problems I couldn't fix until now. I have 14 drives (2 of which are parity and 1 cache). I had a drive fail on me (Disk 6) so yesterday I stopped the array swapped the drive out and started a preclear. I woke up this morning and decided to check on progress and found Disk 3 and replacement for Disk 6 in an error state. During my troubleshooting  While I was troubleshooting the server shut off with an unclean shutdown. I found a bad molex to sata splitter while checking cables and when I moved it everything shut off. This splitter was  for disk 3 and 6. I have since removed that connector and fixed the connections with the proper cables. I restarted the array, started preclearing again and allowed Unraid to start parity sync data rebuild on Disk 3.  I noticed that files were still transferring to my user share "Media" from Ubuntu during the unclean shutdown. Now if I try to navigate to the user share it appears empty. If I check the user share from Unraid using the explorer icon on the left, the share appears empty. If I navigate to any disk the share is there with all the files. If I run Plex I can select whatever I want and the files play fine. I tried rebooting the server again but the share still appears empty. I'm not sure what I need to do to resolve this and any help would be greatly appreciated. 




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Jul 28 10:34:20 Zeus kernel: XFS (md6): Corruption detected. Unmount and run xfs_repair
Jul 28 10:34:20 Zeus kernel: XFS (md6): xfs_iread: validation failed for inode 100

Jul 28 10:34:20 Zeus kernel: XFS (md6): Corruption detected. Unmount and run xfs_repair
Jul 28 10:34:20 Zeus kernel: XFS (md6): xfs_iread: validation failed for inode 100

You need to Check Disk Filesystem on disk 6  (BTW, this disk is still missing from the array and is being emulated)


Also, turn off show PHP warnings in Tips & Tweaks (you enabled that).  It's very annoying when you've got Preclear installed

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I navigated to Tips and Tweaks and it shows PHP warnings as not enabled. As far as checking the file system for Disk 6, It is currently missing from the array since I am performing a preclear. Do I still need to do a filesystem check? Does it check the physical disk or the emulation of Disk 6? Thanks for your help.


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9 minutes ago, moose1207 said:

I navigated to Tips and Tweaks and it shows PHP warnings as not enabled. As far as checking the file system for Disk 6, It is currently missing from the array since I am performing a preclear. Do I still need to do a filesystem check? Does it check the physical disk or the emulation of Disk 6? Thanks for your help.


If the disk is missing then the file system check will be against the emulated disk.    The results are what will be put onto disk 6 when you put it back in the array and then rebuild it.

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Update:  Disk 3 finished rebuilding, I restarted the array in maintenance mode and performed the repair. My share is now working fine. I never would have thought you could repair the file system on an emulated drive, pretty cool. Anyways thanks a ton for the help. I attached the xfs repair output here just in case someone has a similar issue in the future and comes across this post.


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