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Automatically create ZIPped backup of flash?

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16 minutes ago, trurl said:

You can always download a zipped backup of your flash from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash backup


I would consider it best to download a zipped backup after having made reconfiguration (and possibly even before, if not trusting the state of the previous backup and the changes might need to be undone).


When manually downloading a zip file, it's easy to name the zip file in a way that it's possible to remember what changes was made.

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Three good questions.


CA Backup vs. Flash backup: I always prefer the buildin feature over a third-party tool.


Array is no backup: I do have a backup unRAID server that is filled with data depending on it's volatility and importance in three different Intervalls. And there are three rolling external harddisk waiting ...


Manually after changes: Is an update of a plugin a manual activity? However, I prefer scripts that run automatically. 


Back to my question: Is it possible to call the flash backup automatically? Is this a script/program that I can call?


Thanks in advance.


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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

After digging around in the spawned processes when clicking the "flash backup" button, I have found that the following script does most of the work:

/usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/flash_backup

This will create a file in the root of the server, so we have to move it to a more sensible location. Furthermore, a symlink is created in the /usr/local/emhttp/ folder, which we don't need.

My entire script (use it at your own risk, but I have been using it without problems):

/usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/flash_backup
mv /heimdall-flash-backup* ./
rm /usr/local/emhttp/heimdall-flash-backup*

This can then be scheduled to run daily/weekly/whatever interval you feel necessary. Use a destination folder that gets backed up (or resides in another server), as in the case of a flash failure, you might not be able to access the generated zip file. 

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