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Cant stop large dockers


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My unraid has been pretty bullet proof for months, but lately I have had issues updating dockers - specifically EmbyServerBeta,  tvheadend and letsencrypt.  They get a question mark for the icon and are stuck in limbo and not working after an update.  I have tracked this down to them being unable to being stopped.  I have searched the forums and the gui is doing a docker stop EmbyServerBeta (for example) and if AI run this manually, it just sits there.  


Is there a way of 'killing' a docker in a more definite way ?


I find I have to restart the server to recover from this when they get like this - which is not ideal.


The logs just state this over and over :

e":"can not get logs from container which is dead or marked for removal"}
e":"can not get logs from container which is dead or marked for removal"}

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Update - think this is performance related - after a large copy stopped running, the embyserverbeta docker was gone.... I re added it from CA and it is all back and updated.....  I found a similar post along the same lines saying they could not stop some when large copy or IO processes being done.  My dockers are all on SSD cache however and no shares are set to using cache.  I will check if there are copies going on when this happens next.

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