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Data disk parity question


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Hi all,


Just a question before I risk any further data loss.


I have a disk that Unraid is detecting as "Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout"

Now I have the option to format the drive. But if I do that do I that, will I be able to attempt a parity rebuild? or will Unraid recognize the disk serial number and then influence parity?


I hope someone can answer.


Kind regards


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It's strange happening after a reboot, but the only way to fix it is to rebuild that disk, to the same or to a new one, a new one would be safer if you have a spare, current disk looks mostly fine but there's an UNC error, though it's from some time ago.


In any case, stop the array, unassign disk8, start the array, emulated disk8 should now mount correctly and all data be accessible (assuming parity is in sync), after this either reassign old disk8 or a new disk and start the array to rebuild.





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Disk /dev/sdk: 5.5 TiB, 6001175126016 bytes, 11721045168 sectors

Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes

I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes

This is very weird, there's no partition.


Emulated disk is not mounting, no filesystem superblock, are you sure disk8 was formatted and mounted before? It looks to me like it was never formatted, i.e. never had any data.





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Im quite sure. But I have already made up my mind. I will order a new Ironwolf 8TB disk when I have saved up. I do not want to risk one disk to compromise the array. (I remember from my biology classes that wolf are pack animals, so I think its best to continue with Ironwolf disks... I know bad joke... But at least I have humor!)


But Johnnie, thank you for your assistance, it is much appreciated. 

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25 minutes ago, Alphahelix said:

You where right! it is now done with parity rebuild. And it is unmountable once again. 

That's the only possible outcome.


26 minutes ago, Alphahelix said:

Will the problem go away if I replace the 6TB disk with a new disk?



Like I said the only thing that makes sense it that disk8 was never formatted, if it was you have two very serious and not directly related problems with your server:


-something deleted the partition from disk8, never seen this happen before

-your parity is invalid, since the emulated disk doesn't contain a valid filesystem.

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42 minutes ago, Alphahelix said:

the data seems fine in emulated mode.

This doesn't make any sense in the context of everything else that has been said. If indeed you can see the emulated data for that disk, then you absolutely must NOT format.


But I thought it had already been established that the emulated disk was unmountable.

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28 minutes ago, trurl said:

This doesn't make any sense in the context of everything else that has been said.

I'm guessing he's referring to the array data, emulated disk is unmountable, without a valid filesystem, like the disk was cleared (or precleared) then added to the array but never formatted, only other option that makes sense would be if the clear disk script was used on that disk.

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I KNOW it was running fine friday/saturday. From sunday to tuesday (at my OP) the error presented itself. I honestly does not remember how I prepared the drive. But I do know it had a partition on it, now it seems the partition on Disk8 is gone even from parity. But question is if there is anything I can do from here or just accept the loss and format the drive and thus removing data and problems.

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I don't see any way you can recover the data, since the only options I can think of for a disk being like that are:


-it was never formatted and didn't had any data

-it was cleared while still in the array


You can try to use a file recovery utility, like UFS explorer, but if I'm right it won't find anything.

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I am still 100% sure it have had data or at least did not show up as unmountable. Wether or not the process of format/preclear was performed sufficiently enough, here I can honestly not remember how I did it. But data has been on the disk. Question is, if I format the drive now when it is unmountable (also in parity) then I guess whatever data it did hold is already gone now. or am I mistaken?

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