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[SOLVED] Can't write files to unraid


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Help, my search skills are sucking and I can't seem to find a solution to a networking issue between Windows and Unraid. Basically I keep getting access denied errors trying to write to Unraid. I can read files, open files, but I can't copy to it with the exception of a Server 2012 R2 that I have on my network.


Windows 8.1 PRO - access denied with I try to write to any share.

Windows 10 - access denied with I try to write to any share. fixed

Server 2012 R2 - no issues


The only place that from Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 that I can write to is either the flash drive or the cache drive.


I hope someone can point me in the right direction. It's been driving me nuts for several months.


Unraid v6.5.3

M/B: Supermicro - X11SSM-F
CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1230 v6 @ 3.50GHz
HVM: Enabled
IOMMU: Enabled
Cache: 128 kB, 1024 kB, 8192 kB
Memory: 16 GB Single-bit ECC (max. installable capacity 64 GB)
Network: eth0: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1500 
 eth1: not connected
Kernel: Linux 4.14.49-unRAID x86_64
OpenSSL: 1.0.2o



Thank you,



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Found this in the Unraid 5 and older forum....



This is a known Windows "issue" that is really hard to explain, so for now I'll just tell you how to get around it.


What is the log-on name you use for your PC?  I'm going to bet it's not "alex".  Maybe it's "Alex" or "alex smith" or some other name entirely.  Whatever it is, create that same user in your unRaid server, and define whatever secure or private share access you want under that user name.  Then close all windows that might be connected to the server and either reboot the windows PC or open a command window and type "net use * /delete" command.


Now when you browse shares on the unRaid server it will work, except if the password you assigned when you created your unRaid user does not match your windows logon password, Windows will prompt you to enter the password (that you specified in the unRaid server).  If you use the same password in both places you will not get this prompt.


Unraid doesn't let you create usernames with an uppercase, so I must have ignored that and continued to create it with lowercase...completely ignoring the fact that I had a capital letter on Windows. I renamed my user on windows to be all lowercase to match the user in unraid and poof, like magic, it works now :)

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Delete all credentials, make sure it's a private network, turn on network discovery, make sure unRAID is local master.

Then try again.


I did a lot of testing with Win 10 VM and I had rare inexplicable network access problems. One case I gave up and reinstalled Windows from scratch and only then it worked.


So good luck. 😥

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7 hours ago, testdasi said:

Delete all credentials, make sure it's a private network, turn on network discovery, make sure unRAID is local master.

Then try again.


I did a lot of testing with Win 10 VM and I had rare inexplicable network access problems. One case I gave up and reinstalled Windows from scratch and only then it worked.


So good luck. 😥

Yea, I've had unRAID as local master for years now. That was the first thing I checked. That whole case sensitivity is what really got me. It looks like on the Windows 10 box I had to use .\username and then it finally worked. I'll keep doing some testing to make sure.




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1 hour ago, trurl said:


Did you find this topic pinned near the top of this same subforum?



Yes I did, but most of the issues discussed revolved around Windows 10. My Windows 10 issue I fixed. I don't have issues from Windows 2012. Only Windows 8. I don't have issues resolving the name, unraid has been set to master for years. I can read and copy files off it. I just can't write to it from Windows 8. But I went ahead and read through them all over again and I'm going to focus on the ones related to SMB version.


btw, any recommendations on what version SMB should be on Windows 8 so that it plays well with unraid?

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1 hour ago, Alphahelix said:

I had similar issue. I solved by initiating new permissions for the share(s) in unraid. I dont know if you have already tried that?

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

If you are referring to Tools - New Permissions, you should instead use Docker Safe New Perms so you don't break any dockers by changing permissions on files they use.

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2 minutes ago, trurl said:

If you are referring to Tools - New Permissions, you should instead use Docker Safe New Perms so you don't break any dockers by changing permissions on files they use.

ok, right now I'm testing it out on one of the shares which is definitely not used by any dockers. I have docker and all the files/configs on my cache drive anyways (I backed it up nightly to unraid)

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1 hour ago, Alphahelix said:

I had similar issue. I solved by initiating new permissions for the share(s) in unraid. I dont know if you have already tried that?

Thank you! You da man! That finally solved the write permissions issue! Time to run it on all my shares now :)


To add to this. The reason I didn't try that is because it was such a weird issue, only my desktop Windows 8 had issues writing. I have a Server 2012 that I copy files from all the time and never have an issue so this never occurred to me to try.

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